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All Outputs (4)

Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0: Mapping the Transitions (2023)
Hamdan, A., Harraf, A., Buallay, A., Arora, P., & Alsabatin, H. (Eds.). (2023). Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0: Mapping the Transitions. Springer.

Explores the causes and consequences of transition from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0

Highlights the human-centric approach of Industry 5.0

Discusses Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Human–Robot coworking in Industry 5.0

COVID-19 Challenges to Teaching Global Mindset: A Developing Countries’ Perspective (2022)
Journal Article
Arora, P., Mahajan, S., & Yattoo, T. A. (2022). COVID-19 Challenges to Teaching Global Mindset: A Developing Countries’ Perspective. Journal of Teaching in International Business, 33(1), 55-79.

COVID-19 pandemic has affected one and all in unison. Different sectors, including the educational sector, have been disproportionately affected in developing and the least developed nations. Against this backdrop, this paper, while considering the i... Read More about COVID-19 Challenges to Teaching Global Mindset: A Developing Countries’ Perspective.

Future of Organizations and Work After the 4th Industrial Revolution: The Role of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Automation, and Robotics (2022)
Hamdan, A., Harraf, A., Arora, P., Alareeni, B., & Khamis Hamdan, R. (Eds.). (2022). Future of Organizations and Work After the 4th Industrial Revolution: The Role of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Automation, and Robotics. Springer.

This book takes a forward-looking approach by bringing in research and contributions that facilitate in mapping the impact of AI and big data on businesses, the nature of work along with providing practical solutions for preparing the work, workplace... Read More about Future of Organizations and Work After the 4th Industrial Revolution: The Role of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Automation, and Robotics.