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All Outputs (43)

Application of immersive virtual reality mirror therapy for upper limb rehabilitation after stroke: a scoping review (2024)
Journal Article
Gebreheat, G., Antonopoulos, N., & Porter-Armstrong, A. (2024). Application of immersive virtual reality mirror therapy for upper limb rehabilitation after stroke: a scoping review. Neurological Sciences, 45(9), 4173-4184.

Mirror therapy is a commonly used rehabilitation intervention in post stroke upper limb rehabilitation. Despite many potential technological developments, mirror therapy is routinely delivered through the use of a static mirror or mirror box. This re... Read More about Application of immersive virtual reality mirror therapy for upper limb rehabilitation after stroke: a scoping review.

Data Temperature Informed Streaming for Optimising Large-Scale Multi-Tiered Storage (2024)
Journal Article
Davies-Tagg, D., Anjum, A., Zahir, A., Liu, L., Yaseen, M. U., & Antonopoulos, N. (2024). Data Temperature Informed Streaming for Optimising Large-Scale Multi-Tiered Storage. Big Data Mining and Analytics, 7(2), 371-398.

Data temperature is a response to the ever-growing amount of data. These data have to be stored, but they have been observed that only a small portion of the data are accessed more frequently at any one time. This leads to the concept of hot and cold... Read More about Data Temperature Informed Streaming for Optimising Large-Scale Multi-Tiered Storage.

A Survey on Event Tracking in Social Media Data Streams (2023)
Journal Article
Han, Z., Shi, L., Liu, L., Jiang, L., Fang, J., Lin, F., Zhang, J., Panneerselvam, J., & Antonopoulos, N. (2024). A Survey on Event Tracking in Social Media Data Streams. Big Data Mining and Analytics, 7(1), 217-243.

Social networks are inevitable parts of our daily life, where an unprecedented amount of complex data corresponding to a diverse range of applications are generated. As such, it is imperative to conduct research on social events and patterns from the... Read More about A Survey on Event Tracking in Social Media Data Streams.

Optimal controller selection and migration in large scale software defined networks for next generation internet of things (2023)
Journal Article
Shahzad, M., Liu, L., Belkout, N., & Antonopoulos, N. (2023). Optimal controller selection and migration in large scale software defined networks for next generation internet of things. SN Applied Sciences, 5(12), Article 309.

The substantial amount of IoT traffic, coupled with control messages, places a heavy burden on SDN controllers, which compromises their capacity. We investigate how SDN can revolutionize the conventional approach, aiming to overcome the limitations o... Read More about Optimal controller selection and migration in large scale software defined networks for next generation internet of things.

An Ensemble Neural Model for Classification of LADA Diabetes Case, Control and Variable Importance (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Miller, A., Panneerselvam, J., Liu, L., & Antonopoulos, N. (2022, December). An Ensemble Neural Model for Classification of LADA Diabetes Case, Control and Variable Importance. Presented at 2022 IEEE/ACM 15th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC), Vancouver, WA, USA

LADA Diabetes is a complex disease, but often dismissed as a potential individual disease within its own right. A comprehensive understanding of previously unknown aspects of LADA diabetes has the potential to not only ascertain a greater comprehensi... Read More about An Ensemble Neural Model for Classification of LADA Diabetes Case, Control and Variable Importance.

A survey on system level energy optimisation for MPSoCs in IoT and consumer electronics (2021)
Journal Article
Ali, H., Tariq, U. U., Hardy, J., Zhai, X., Lu, L., Zheng, Y., Bensaali, F., Amira, A., Fatema, K., & Antonopoulos, N. (2021). A survey on system level energy optimisation for MPSoCs in IoT and consumer electronics. Computer Science Review, 41, Article 100416.

Internet-of-Things (IoT) is an appealing service to revolutionise Smart City (SC) initiatives across the globe. IoT interconnects a plethora of digital devices known as Sensor Nodes (SNs) to the Internet. Due to their high performance and exceptional... Read More about A survey on system level energy optimisation for MPSoCs in IoT and consumer electronics.

A GRU-Based Prediction Framework for Intelligent Resource Management at Cloud Data Centres in the Age of 5G (2019)
Journal Article
Lu, L., Liu, L., Panneerselvam, J., Yuan, B., Gu, J., & Antonopoulos, N. (2020). A GRU-Based Prediction Framework for Intelligent Resource Management at Cloud Data Centres in the Age of 5G. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, 6(2), 486-498.

The increasing deployments of 5G mobile communication system is expected to bring more processing power and storage supplements to Internet of Things (IoT) and mobile devices. It is foreseeable the billions of devices will be connected and it is extr... Read More about A GRU-Based Prediction Framework for Intelligent Resource Management at Cloud Data Centres in the Age of 5G.

Latency-Based Analytic Approach to Forecast Cloud Workload Trend for Sustainable Datacenters (2019)
Journal Article
Lu, Y., Liu, L., Panneerselvam, J., Zhai, X., Sun, X., & Antonopoulos, N. (2020). Latency-Based Analytic Approach to Forecast Cloud Workload Trend for Sustainable Datacenters. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, 5(3), 308-318.

Cloud datacenters are turning out to be massive energy consumers and environment polluters, which necessitate the need for promoting sustainable computing approaches for achieving environment-friendly datacentre execution. Direct causes of excess ene... Read More about Latency-Based Analytic Approach to Forecast Cloud Workload Trend for Sustainable Datacenters.

An Inductive Content-Augmented Network Embedding Model for Edge Artificial Intelligence (2019)
Journal Article
Yuan, B., Panneerselvam, J., Liu, L., Antonopoulos, N., & Lu, Y. (2019). An Inductive Content-Augmented Network Embedding Model for Edge Artificial Intelligence. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 15(7), 4295-4305.

Real-time data processing applications demand dynamic resource provisioning and efficient service discovery, which is particularly challenging in resource-constraint edge computing environments. Network embedding techniques can potentially aid effect... Read More about An Inductive Content-Augmented Network Embedding Model for Edge Artificial Intelligence.

Cloud-based video analytics using convolutional neural networks (2018)
Journal Article
Yaseen, M. U., Anjum, A., Farid, M., & Antonopoulos, N. (2019). Cloud-based video analytics using convolutional neural networks. Software: Practice and Experience, 49(4), 565-583.

Object classification is a vital part of any video analytics system, which could aid in complex applications such as object monitoring and management. Traditional video analytics systems work on shallow networks and are unable to harness the power of... Read More about Cloud-based video analytics using convolutional neural networks.

Deep Learning Hyper-Parameter Optimization for Video Analytics in Clouds (2018)
Journal Article
Yaseen, M. U., Anjum, A., Rana, O., & Antonopoulos, N. (2019). Deep Learning Hyper-Parameter Optimization for Video Analytics in Clouds. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 49(1), 253-264.

A system to perform video analytics is proposed using a dynamically tuned convolutional network. Videos are fetched from cloud storage, preprocessed, and a model for supporting classification is developed on these video streams using cloud-based infr... Read More about Deep Learning Hyper-Parameter Optimization for Video Analytics in Clouds.

An approach to optimise resource provision with energy-awareness in datacentres by combating task heterogeneity. (2018)
Journal Article
Panneerselvam, J., Liu, L., & Antonopoulos, N. (2018). An approach to optimise resource provision with energy-awareness in datacentres by combating task heterogeneity. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing,

Cloud workloads are increasingly heterogeneous such that a single Cloud job may encompass one to several tasks, and tasks belonging to the same job may behave distinctively during their actual execution. This inherent task heterogeneity imposes incre... Read More about An approach to optimise resource provision with energy-awareness in datacentres by combating task heterogeneity..

An investigation into the impacts of task-level behavioural heterogeneity upon energy efficiency in Cloud datacentres (2018)
Journal Article
Panneerselvam, J., Liu, L., Lu, Y., & Antonopoulos, N. (2018). An investigation into the impacts of task-level behavioural heterogeneity upon energy efficiency in Cloud datacentres. Future Generation Computer Systems, 83, 239-249.

Cloud datacentre resources and the arriving jobs are addressed to be exhibiting increased level of heterogeneity. A single Cloud job may encompass one to several number of tasks, such tasks usually exhibit increased level of behavioural heterogeneity... Read More about An investigation into the impacts of task-level behavioural heterogeneity upon energy efficiency in Cloud datacentres.

Modeling and analysis of a deep learning pipeline for cloud based video analytics (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Yaseen, M. U., Anjum, A., & Antonopoulos, N. (2017, December). Modeling and analysis of a deep learning pipeline for cloud based video analytics. Presented at BDCAT '17: Fourth IEEE/ACM International Conference on Big Data Computing, Applications and Technologies, Austin, Texas, USA

Video analytics systems based on deep learning approaches are becoming the basis of many widespread applications including smart cities to aid people and traffic monitoring. These systems necessitate massive amounts of labeled data and training time... Read More about Modeling and analysis of a deep learning pipeline for cloud based video analytics.

Big data analytics in healthcare: A cloud based framework for generating insights (2017)
Book Chapter
Anjum, A., Aizad, S., Arshad, B., Subhani, M. M., Davies-Tagg, D., Abdullah, T., & Antonopoulos, N. (2017). Big data analytics in healthcare: A cloud based framework for generating insights. In N. Antonopoulos, & L. Gillam (Eds.), Cloud Computing (153-170). Springer.

With exabytes of data being generated from genome sequencing, a whole new science behind genomics big data has emerged. As technology improves, the cost of sequencing a human genome has gone down considerably increasing the number of genomes being se... Read More about Big data analytics in healthcare: A cloud based framework for generating insights.

InOt-RePCoN: Forecasting user behavioural trend in large-scale cloud environments (2017)
Journal Article
Panneerselvam, J., Liu, L., & Antonopoulos, N. (2018). InOt-RePCoN: Forecasting user behavioural trend in large-scale cloud environments. Future Generation Computer Systems, 80, 322-341.

Cloud Computing has emerged as a low cost anywhere anytime computing paradigm. Given the energy consumption characteristics of the Cloud resources, service providers are under immense pressure to reduce the energy implications of the datacentres. For... Read More about InOt-RePCoN: Forecasting user behavioural trend in large-scale cloud environments.

Efficient service discovery in decentralized online social networks (2017)
Journal Article
Yuan, B., Liu, L., & Antonopoulos, N. (2018). Efficient service discovery in decentralized online social networks. Future Generation Computer Systems, 86, 775-791.

Online social networks (OSN) have attracted millions of users worldwide over the last decade. There are a series of urgent issues faced by existing OSN such as information overload, single-point of failure and privacy concerns. The booming Internet o... Read More about Efficient service discovery in decentralized online social networks.

Clinical and genomics data integration using meta-dimensional approach (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Subhani, M. M., Anjum, A., Koop, A., & Antonopoulos, N. (2016, December). Clinical and genomics data integration using meta-dimensional approach. Presented at UCC '16: 9th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, Shanghai, China

Clinical and genomics datasets contain humongous amount of information which are used in their respective environments independently to produce new science or better explain existing approaches. The interaction of data between these two domains is ve... Read More about Clinical and genomics data integration using meta-dimensional approach.

Spatial frequency based video stream analysis for object classification and recognition in clouds (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Yaseen, M. U., Anjum, A., & Antonopoulos, N. (2016, December). Spatial frequency based video stream analysis for object classification and recognition in clouds. Presented at 3rd IEEE/ACM conference on Big Data Computing, Applications and Technologies, Shanghai, China

The recent rise in multimedia technology has made it easier to perform a number of tasks. One of these tasks is monitoring where cheap cameras are producing large amount of video data. This video data is then processed for object classification to ex... Read More about Spatial frequency based video stream analysis for object classification and recognition in clouds.

Mobilouds: An Energy Efficient MCC Collaborative Framework With Extended Mobile Participation for Next Generation Networks (2016)
Journal Article
Panneerselvam, J., Hardy, J., Liu, L., Yuan, B., & Antonopoulos, N. (2016). Mobilouds: An Energy Efficient MCC Collaborative Framework With Extended Mobile Participation for Next Generation Networks. IEEE Access, 4, 9129-9144.

Given the emergence of mobile cloud computing (MCC), its associated energy implications are witnessed at larger scale. With offloading computationally intensive tasks to the cloud datacentres being the basic concept behind MCC, most of the mobile ter... Read More about Mobilouds: An Energy Efficient MCC Collaborative Framework With Extended Mobile Participation for Next Generation Networks.