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Does the reduced hospital stay of primary PCI patients impact on cardiac rehabilitation outcomes? A comparison with thrombolysed myocardial infarction patients at 10 weeks. (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Neubeck, L., Van Goor, A., Keightley, H., Fox, K. F., & Wood, D. A. (2006, April). Does the reduced hospital stay of primary PCI patients impact on cardiac rehabilitation outcomes? A comparison with thrombolysed myocardial infarction patients at 10 weeks. Poster presented at National Heart Foundation Conference

Smoke-free hospitals and the role of smoking cessation services. (2006)
Journal Article
Neubeck, L. (2006). Smoke-free hospitals and the role of smoking cessation services. British Journal of Nursing, 15(5), 248-251.

The NHS must be smoke free by the end of 2006 (Department of Health, 2004). The necessary elements to introducing a smoke-free policy, which is workable and equitable, are the management of the policy and offering support to smokers. Smoking and seco... Read More about Smoke-free hospitals and the role of smoking cessation services..

Developing a smoking cessation service. (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Neubeck, L., & Barber, K. (2005, May). Developing a smoking cessation service. Poster presented at Nurse Strategy Day

Development, implementation and audit of a cardiac prevention and rehabilitation programme for patients with coronary artery disease. (2004)
Journal Article
Fox, K., Barber, K., Muir, L., Mead, A., Harris, A., Collier, T., & Wood, D. (2004). Development, implementation and audit of a cardiac prevention and rehabilitation programme for patients with coronary artery disease. European heart journal supplements : journal of the European Society of Cardiology, 6, 53-58

Objective to establish a comprehensive multi-disciplinary cardiac prevention and rehabilitation programme for patients with coronary artery disease which is reproducible and transferable to other institutions, in order to achieve lifestyle modificati... Read More about Development, implementation and audit of a cardiac prevention and rehabilitation programme for patients with coronary artery disease..

Addressing blood pressure at annual review. (2004)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Keightley, H., Neubeck, L., Van Goor, A., Fox, K. F., & Wood, D. A. (2004, November). Addressing blood pressure at annual review. Poster presented at British Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation Annual Conference

Does the reduced hospital stay of primary angioplasty patients' impact on cardiac rehabilitation outcomes? A comparison with thrombolysed myocardial infarction patients at 10 weeks. (2004)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Van Goor, A., Neubeck, L., Keightley, H., Fox, K. F., & Wood, D. A. (2004, November). Does the reduced hospital stay of primary angioplasty patients' impact on cardiac rehabilitation outcomes? A comparison with thrombolysed myocardial infarction patients at 10 weeks. Poster presented at British Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation Annual Conference

Development of a consumer e-health tool for management of cardiovascular risk. (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Neubeck, L., Peiris, D., Coorey, G., Heeley, E., Hersch, F., Mulley, J., Lyford, M., Wechsler, J., Tan, L., & Redfern, J. (2014, November). Development of a consumer e-health tool for management of cardiovascular risk. Presented at Medicine 2.0: 8th World Congress of Social Media, Mobile Apps, Internet/Web 2.0

Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading killer globally and secondary prevention substantially reduces risk. However access to preventive programs is low, leading to development of alternative models of care.
Objective: To inform the... Read More about Development of a consumer e-health tool for management of cardiovascular risk..

A User Centered Design Approach to Developing a Cross Platform E-Health Intervention for Consumers at Mod-to-High Risk of Cardiovascular Disease. (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hersch, F., Peiris, D., Coorey, G., Patel, B., Neubeck, L., Wechsler, J., Tan, L., & Redfern, J. (2000, January). A User Centered Design Approach to Developing a Cross Platform E-Health Intervention for Consumers at Mod-to-High Risk of Cardiovascular Disease. Poster presented at Medicine 2.0 World Congress on Social Media, Mobile Apps, Internet/Web 2.0

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death and disability globally. In Australia less than 50% of all people at highest risk of a CVD event are receiving and adhering to best practice recommendations (lifestyle and pharmac... Read More about A User Centered Design Approach to Developing a Cross Platform E-Health Intervention for Consumers at Mod-to-High Risk of Cardiovascular Disease..

A novel telephone approach to secondary prevention increases access for acute coronary syndrome patients
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Neubeck, L., & Redfern, J. A novel telephone approach to secondary prevention increases access for acute coronary syndrome patients

Background: Currently there is a large evidence-practice gap in secondary prevention of coronary heart disease (CHD) where only the minority of people with CHD access facility cardiac rehabilitation (CR). this study compares attendance rates at secon... Read More about A novel telephone approach to secondary prevention increases access for acute coronary syndrome patients.