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All Outputs (2)

Use of an extensively humanized mouse model to predict the risk of drug–drug interactions in patients receiving dexamethasone (2025)
Journal Article
George, J., Chalmers, J. D., Coquelin, K.-S., Frame, L., Henderson, C. J., Kapelyukh, Y., Lang, C. C., Read, K. D., Stanley, L. A., & Wolf, C. R. (2025). Use of an extensively humanized mouse model to predict the risk of drug–drug interactions in patients receiving dexamethasone. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 392(2), 100053.

The corticosteroid dexamethasone, which is used to treat numerous health conditions, remains the first-line treatment for patients hospitalized with COVID-19 requiring oxygen. Current British National Formulary prescribing advice w... Read More about Use of an extensively humanized mouse model to predict the risk of drug–drug interactions in patients receiving dexamethasone.

Through a glass, darkly? HepaRG and HepG2 cells as models of human Phase I drug metabolism (2022)
Journal Article
Stanley, L. A., & Wolf, C. R. (2022). Through a glass, darkly? HepaRG and HepG2 cells as models of human Phase I drug metabolism. Drug Metabolism Reviews, 54(1), 46-62.

The pharmacokinetic and safety assessment of drug candidates is becoming increasingly dependent upon in vitro models of hepatic metabolism and toxicity. Predominant among these is the HepG2 cell line, although HepaRG is becoming increasingly popular... Read More about Through a glass, darkly? HepaRG and HepG2 cells as models of human Phase I drug metabolism.