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All Outputs (46)

Carbon accounting for supply chain management in the automobile industry (2012)
Journal Article
Lee, K.-H. (2012). Carbon accounting for supply chain management in the automobile industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 36, 83-93.

Improving the management of carbon emissions and the development of cleaner production can be a demanding challenge for business and industry. Within this, accounting for carbon management requires quantification of a firm’s direct and indirect emiss... Read More about Carbon accounting for supply chain management in the automobile industry.

Measuring corporate sustainability management: A data envelopment analysis approach (2011)
Journal Article
Lee, K.-H., & Farzipoor Saen, R. (2012). Measuring corporate sustainability management: A data envelopment analysis approach. International Journal of Production Economics, 140(1), 219-226.

Despite the increased awareness of the conceptual and practical definition of corporate sustainability, questions remain on how to measure performance. The objective of this paper is to advance our understanding of the measurement of corporate sustai... Read More about Measuring corporate sustainability management: A data envelopment analysis approach.

Measuring a carbon footprint and environmental practice: the case of Hyundai Motors Co. (HMC) (2011)
Journal Article
Lee, K., & Cheong, I. (2011). Measuring a carbon footprint and environmental practice: the case of Hyundai Motors Co. (HMC). Industrial Management and Data Systems, 111(6), 961-978.

The purpose of this paper is to explore and investigate the measurement of a carbon footprint and environmental program in supply chain management.

The study uses a case study methodology and employs the quali... Read More about Measuring a carbon footprint and environmental practice: the case of Hyundai Motors Co. (HMC).

Integrating Suppliers into Green Product Innovation Development: an Empirical Case Study in the Semiconductor Industry (2011)
Journal Article
Lee, K., & Kim, J. (2011). Integrating Suppliers into Green Product Innovation Development: an Empirical Case Study in the Semiconductor Industry. Business Strategy and the Environment, 20(8), 527-538.

Green innovation has been recognized as one of the key factors to achieve environmental and economic success in markets. Understanding green product innovation development as a result of suppliers' involvement has become a strategic priority for acad... Read More about Integrating Suppliers into Green Product Innovation Development: an Empirical Case Study in the Semiconductor Industry.

Integrating carbon footprint into supply chain management: the case of Hyundai Motor Company (HMC) in the automobile industry (2011)
Journal Article
Lee, K.-H. (2011). Integrating carbon footprint into supply chain management: the case of Hyundai Motor Company (HMC) in the automobile industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 19(11), 1216-1223.

The purpose of this paper is to improve our understanding of carbon footprint within the context of automobile supply chain management. The case study approach is employed as a research method. Primary data were collected through site visits and exte... Read More about Integrating carbon footprint into supply chain management: the case of Hyundai Motor Company (HMC) in the automobile industry.

Motivations, barriers, and incentives for adopting environmental management (cost) accounting and related guidelines: a study of the republic of Korea (2011)
Journal Article
Lee, K. (2011). Motivations, barriers, and incentives for adopting environmental management (cost) accounting and related guidelines: a study of the republic of Korea. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 18(1), 39-49.

The purpose of this paper is to present an empirical case for research in environmental management accounting and/or environmental cost accounting. The paper provides an analysis of the current status of environmental management and/or environmental... Read More about Motivations, barriers, and incentives for adopting environmental management (cost) accounting and related guidelines: a study of the republic of Korea.