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All Outputs (45)

The 21st Century film, TV and media school: Teaching Documentary for the 21st Century (2024)
Stutterheim, K., Cammaer, G., Mortimer, R., Campbell, K., & Meissner, N. (Eds.). (2024). The 21st Century film, TV and media school: Teaching Documentary for the 21st Century. CILECT

Teaching Documentary spans a broad field of approaches and specifications within a genre that has been in constant change and development throughout its history. Documentary film is an art form and a practice, although often received or interpreted a... Read More about The 21st Century film, TV and media school: Teaching Documentary for the 21st Century.

Sound Dramaturgy for Poetic Documentaries (2023)
Journal Article
Stutterheim, K. (2023). Sound Dramaturgy for Poetic Documentaries. International Journal of Film and Media Arts, 8(3), 59-73.

Sound dramaturgy as part of the aesthetic design of documentary films is invisible but most relevant, although often overlooked. The chapter gives a short introduction to dramaturgy and the importance of sound dramaturgy as most impactful for documen... Read More about Sound Dramaturgy for Poetic Documentaries.

Visual Dramaturgy – from Caligari to Shutter Island (2023)
Book Chapter
Stutterheim, K. (in press). Visual Dramaturgy – from Caligari to Shutter Island. In Bloomsbury Handbook of Global Screenplay Theory. Bloomsbury Publishing

Visual dramaturgy has been an important aspect of storytelling since the beginning of cinema. David Bordwell, describing cinema as ‘providing successive pictorial displays’ (Bordwell 2006: 11) directs our focus onto the relevance of the visual level... Read More about Visual Dramaturgy – from Caligari to Shutter Island.

Film Dramaturgy: A Practice and a Tool for Researchers (2023)
Book Chapter
Stutterheim, K. (2023). Film Dramaturgy: A Practice and a Tool for Researchers. In R. Davies, P. Russo, & C. Tieber (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Screenwriting Studies (689-708). Palgrave Macmillan.

This chapter gives an overview of dramaturgy as practice and discipline. Dramaturgy has its origins in Antiquity and established itself as a theoretical and analytical approach to understand and support narrative-performative arts in the eighteenth c... Read More about Film Dramaturgy: A Practice and a Tool for Researchers.

Sound Dramaturgy (2023)
Book Chapter
Stutterheim, K. (in press). Sound Dramaturgy. In Teaching Sound for the 21st Century. CILECT

Sound dramaturgy as part of the aesthetic design of either a film or a Virtual Reality (VR) experience is invisible, but most relevant, although often overlooked. As a sound person and academic, I have long been interested in the dramaturgical releva... Read More about Sound Dramaturgy.

SPARTACUS’ Aftermath / Influences (2023)
Book Chapter
Stutterheim, K. SPARTACUS’ Aftermath / Influences. In Kubrick encounters Spartacus. (Kubrick Studies). Liverpool University Press

A short reflection on the impact of the movie onto Kubricks carreer but moreover how it got referred to by later productions - movies, TV productions, and games alike.

The Epic Spartacus (2023)
Book Chapter
Stutterheim, K. The Epic Spartacus. In Kubrick Encounters Spartacus. Liverpool University Press

Epic stories portray influential characters acting under extraordinary circumstances. As we can see it happens to Spartacus in this movie, the main character is forced to act in a way they never would have imagined a moment before the incident starts... Read More about The Epic Spartacus.

Photography and Memory (2022)
Book Chapter
Stutterheim, K. (2022). Photography and Memory. In Ron O'Donnell - Edinburgh: A Lost World (2-5). Edinburgh Napier University

The essay reflects on Photography and Memory, in occassion of Ron O'Donnell's exhibition at the City Art Centre Edinbugh.
These images introduce us to a specific place that can be accurately designated. Above all, however, the photos focus on the... Read More about Photography and Memory.

Time is not relative – a modern and postmodern approach to time in The Shining (2022)
Book Chapter
Stutterheim, K. (in press). Time is not relative – a modern and postmodern approach to time in The Shining. In Bloomsbury Handbook of Global Screenplay Theory. Bloomsbury Publishing

Time spans and temporal relationships in film narratives are relevant to the dramaturgical or dramatic form of the screenplay. As humans, we experience time as linear and causal, in rhythm with our breath and heartbeat. The significance of time and o... Read More about Time is not relative – a modern and postmodern approach to time in The Shining.

Magazin #0 (2021)
Ander, H., Butz, K., Hertell, H., & Stutterheim, K. (Eds.). (2021). Magazin #0. Verlag der Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln

Not an unusual life for the time and place: Etel Mittag-Fodor (2021)
Exhibition / Performance
Stutterheim, K. Not an unusual life for the time and place: Etel Mittag-Fodor. [photo]. Exhibited at Cologne, Germany. 21 October 2021 - 24 October 2021

On the occasion of the festival year "1700 Years of Jewish Life in Germany", the Academy of Media Arts Cologne (KHM) presents an exhibition of portraits, still lifes and architectural photographs by the Bauhaus photographer Etel Mittag-Fodor from 192... Read More about Not an unusual life for the time and place: Etel Mittag-Fodor.

Music as an Element of Narration in Poetic Documentaries (2018)
Journal Article
Stutterheim, K. (2018). Music as an Element of Narration in Poetic Documentaries. New Soundtrack, 8(2), 103-117.

Music, sound and rhythm, as aesthetic means of design, have been part of the tradition of poetic documentary film from its early history. This paper discusses various examples of this genre, all of which use soundscapes, sound design, and music. Musi... Read More about Music as an Element of Narration in Poetic Documentaries.

Bauhaus: El mito de la modernidad (2017)
Digital Artefact
Stutterheim, K., & Bolbrinker, N. (2017). Bauhaus: El mito de la modernidad. [Film]

Es un documental sobre la escuela de arte o diseño, probablemente más conocida de la modernidad. Sus productos “estilo Bauhaus” responden a un diseño estilizado, funcional y moderno. Los profesores que recorrieron sus aulas recibieron reconocimiento... Read More about Bauhaus: El mito de la modernidad.

The Goldberg-Condition. More to see than to be seen (2017)
Digital Artefact
Bolbrinker, N., & Stutterheim, K. The Goldberg-Condition. More to see than to be seen. [Documentary film]

Emanuel Goldberg was one of the most influential researchers, inventors and managers within the field of modern media of the 20th century. His extraordinary faith was interconnected with photography, research of reception, printing, microphotography,... Read More about The Goldberg-Condition. More to see than to be seen.

Die Kinamo-Kamera (2016)
Journal Article
Stutterheim, K. (2016). Die Kinamo-Kamera. Auslöser, 3, 24-26

Die Kinamo-Kamera, die von Emanuel Goldberg entwickelt wurde, hat den poetischen Dokumentarfilm beeinflusst. In dem Artikel wird ein Überblick gegeben, in welchem ästhetischen Umfeld die Kamera entwickelt wurde, und wie sie den poetischen Dokumentarf... Read More about Die Kinamo-Kamera.

Nationalsozialistische Filmproduktionen (2015)
Book Chapter
Stutterheim, K. (2015). Nationalsozialistische Filmproduktionen. In W. Benz (Ed.), Handbuch des Antisemitismus (343-350). De Gruyter Saur

Handbuch Angewandter Filmdramaturgie: Vom Geheimnis des filmischen Erzaehlens - Film, TV Und Games (2015)
Stutterheim, K. (2015). Handbuch Angewandter Filmdramaturgie: Vom Geheimnis des filmischen Erzaehlens - Film, TV Und Games. Peter Lang

Dramaturgie hat eine lange Tradition, auch im Bereich von Film- und Fernsehen. Kenntnisse der Dramaturgie ermoglichen es, einem Werk zu seiner bestmoglichen Entfaltung zu verhelfen, ohne diesem standardisierte Grenzen einer Formatvorlage aufzuerlegen... Read More about Handbuch Angewandter Filmdramaturgie: Vom Geheimnis des filmischen Erzaehlens - Film, TV Und Games.