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All Outputs (9)

Competencies and standards in nurse education: The irresolvable tensions (2023)
Journal Article
Collier-Sewell, F., Atherton, I., Mahoney, C., Kyle, R. G., Hughes, E., & Lasater, K. (2023). Competencies and standards in nurse education: The irresolvable tensions. Nurse Education Today, 125, Article 105782.

This paper explores the inherent contradiction between the purpose of nurse education – to produce critical thinking, autonomous and accountable future nurses – and the prescription of standards and competencies to realize this goal. Drawing on examp... Read More about Competencies and standards in nurse education: The irresolvable tensions.

Transcultural Translation and Validation of Lasater Clinical Judgment Rubric© (2022)
Journal Article
Santos Duarte, H. M., Lasater, K., & dos Anjos Coelho Rodrigues Dixe, M. (2022). Transcultural Translation and Validation of Lasater Clinical Judgment Rubric©. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 75(6),

Objectives: to translate and cross-culturally validate the Lasater Clinical Judgment Rubric((c)) (LCJR((c))) instrument for nursing students. Methods: the application of LCJR-PT (c) was preceded by a linguistic translation into Portuguese, based on t... Read More about Transcultural Translation and Validation of Lasater Clinical Judgment Rubric©.

Using Audio-Visual Simulation to Elicit Nursing Students’ Noticing and Interpreting Skills to Assess Pain in Culturally Diverse Patients (2022)
Journal Article
Kelly, M. A., Slatyer, S., Myers, H., Gower, S., Mason, J., & Lasater, K. (2022). Using Audio-Visual Simulation to Elicit Nursing Students’ Noticing and Interpreting Skills to Assess Pain in Culturally Diverse Patients. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 71, 31-40.

Pain is a complex and multi-dimensional phenomenon. Nurses play a vital role in assessing and managing pain and must use sound clinical reasoning to accurately make clinical judgments to notice, interpret and respond to patients’ pain.
M... Read More about Using Audio-Visual Simulation to Elicit Nursing Students’ Noticing and Interpreting Skills to Assess Pain in Culturally Diverse Patients.

Developing Students' Clinical Reasoning Skills: A Faculty Guide (2021)
Journal Article
Gonzalez, L., Nielsen, A., & Lasater, K. (2021). Developing Students' Clinical Reasoning Skills: A Faculty Guide. Journal of Nursing Education, 60(9), 485-493.

Safe patient care relies on the ability of nurses to make timely, sound clinical judgments, yet new nurse graduates are underprepared. Nurse educators must take action with teaching to develop students' clinical reasoning skills and ulti... Read More about Developing Students' Clinical Reasoning Skills: A Faculty Guide.

Context, complexity and cross-pollination: Nursing leaders' views of the role of the voluntary and community sector in nurse education (2021)
Journal Article
Kyle, R. G., Atherton, I. M., & Lasater, K. (2021). Context, complexity and cross-pollination: Nursing leaders' views of the role of the voluntary and community sector in nurse education. Nurse Education Today, 99, Article 104732.

Placements in voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations have long played an important part in student nurses' education in several countries. New standards for nurse education published by the Nursing and Midwifery Council in the... Read More about Context, complexity and cross-pollination: Nursing leaders' views of the role of the voluntary and community sector in nurse education.

Effects of a Complex Case Study and High-Fidelity Simulation on Mechanical Ventilation on Knowledge and Clinical Judgment of Undergraduate Nursing Students (2020)
Journal Article
Salameh, B., Ayed, A., Kassabry, M., & Lasater, K. (2021). Effects of a Complex Case Study and High-Fidelity Simulation on Mechanical Ventilation on Knowledge and Clinical Judgment of Undergraduate Nursing Students. Nurse Educator, 46(4), E64-E69.

Improving nursing students' knowledge and clinical judgment related to mechanical ventilation (MV) is paramount, considering the heightened need for MV due to the current COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) pandemic. High-fidelity simula... Read More about Effects of a Complex Case Study and High-Fidelity Simulation on Mechanical Ventilation on Knowledge and Clinical Judgment of Undergraduate Nursing Students.

Population health as a 'platform' for nurse education: A qualitative study of nursing leaders (2019)
Journal Article
Lasater, K., Atherton, I. M., & Kyle, R. G. (2020). Population health as a 'platform' for nurse education: A qualitative study of nursing leaders. Nurse Education Today, 86, Article 104313.

Background: Challenges to the sustainability of global healthcare systems are prompting a shift towards more population-focused models of care. Nurse educators need to develop courses that prepare students for population health practice. However, the... Read More about Population health as a 'platform' for nurse education: A qualitative study of nursing leaders.

Zooming out to prioritise population health in nurse education (2019)
Journal Article
Lasater, K., Kyle, R. G., & Atherton, I. M. (2019). Zooming out to prioritise population health in nurse education. Collegian, 26(5), 511-513.

In this Editorial, we argue that zooming out to prioritise population health in nurse education can: (1) Redefine population health as praxis; (2) Reposition nursing as a significant part of the movement to address global health care challenges; (3)... Read More about Zooming out to prioritise population health in nurse education.

Student nurses' attitudes to social justice and poverty: An international Comparison (2019)
Journal Article
Scheffer, M. M. J., Lasater, K., Atherton, I. M., & Kyle, R. G. (2019). Student nurses' attitudes to social justice and poverty: An international Comparison. Nurse Education Today, 80, 59-66.

Background: In both the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States (US), health inequities are proving resistant to improvement. Nurses are ideally placed to advocate for social justice. It is therefore important that nurse education encourages awaren... Read More about Student nurses' attitudes to social justice and poverty: An international Comparison.