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Health professionals' lack of knowledge of central venous access devices: the impact on patients (2019)
Journal Article
Kelly, L. J., Snowden, A., Paterson, R., & Campbell, K. (2019). Health professionals' lack of knowledge of central venous access devices: the impact on patients. British Journal of Nursing, 28(14),

The literature on patient experience of living with a central venous access device (CVAD) is growing, but remains sparse. It suggests that patients accept CVADs as should reduce episodes of repeated cannulations. However, a recent doctor... Read More about Health professionals' lack of knowledge of central venous access devices: the impact on patients.

The implementation and impact of Holistic Needs Assessments for people affected by cancer: A systematic review and thematic synthesis of the literature (2019)
Journal Article
Johnston, L., Young, J., & Campbell, K. (2019). The implementation and impact of Holistic Needs Assessments for people affected by cancer: A systematic review and thematic synthesis of the literature. European Journal of Cancer Care, 28(3), Article e13087.

Globally, cancer services herald the use of Holistic Needs Assessments (HNA). Implementation is, however, heterogeneous. There is a need to understand what effect implementation variation has on patient experience, outcomes and service d... Read More about The implementation and impact of Holistic Needs Assessments for people affected by cancer: A systematic review and thematic synthesis of the literature.