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All Outputs (8)

The Impact Of Shadow Flicker Or Pulsating Shadow Effect, Caused By Wind Turbine Blades, On Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar): Research Summary (2021)
Dodd, J. A., & Briers, R. A. (2021). The Impact Of Shadow Flicker Or Pulsating Shadow Effect, Caused By Wind Turbine Blades, On Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar): Research Summary. Scotland’s Centre of Expertise for Waters (CREW)

As the need for onshore wind energy expands, such climate adaptation measures may have unintended and potentially significant influences on how fish respond when situated next to rivers or streams. The aim of this project was to examine evidence of p... Read More about The Impact Of Shadow Flicker Or Pulsating Shadow Effect, Caused By Wind Turbine Blades, On Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar): Research Summary.

A comparison of trends in population size and life history features of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and anadromous and non-anadromous Brown trout (Salmo trutta) in a single catchment over 116 years (2021)
Journal Article
Adams, C. E., Honkanen, H. M., Bryson, E., Moore, I. E., MacCormick, M., & Dodd, J. A. (2022). A comparison of trends in population size and life history features of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and anadromous and non-anadromous Brown trout (Salmo trutta) in a single catchment over 116 years. Hydrobiologia, 849, 945-965.

We use a long time series of catch abundance from a recreational fishery over 116 years to look for population trends in Atlantic salmon, and anadromous (sea trout) and non-anadromous (brown) trout for a single catchment, Loch Lomond, west central Sc... Read More about A comparison of trends in population size and life history features of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and anadromous and non-anadromous Brown trout (Salmo trutta) in a single catchment over 116 years.

Best Practices for Monitoring and Assessing the Ecological Response to River Restoration (2021)
Journal Article
England, J., Angelopoulos, N., Cooksley, S., Dodd, J., Gill, A., Gilvear, D., Johnson, M., Naura, M., O’Hare, M., Tree, A., Wheeldon, J., & Wilkes, M. A. (2021). Best Practices for Monitoring and Assessing the Ecological Response to River Restoration. Water, 13(23), Article 3352.

Nature-based solutions are widely advocated for freshwater ecosystem conservation and restoration. As increasing amounts of river restoration are undertaken, the need to understand the ecological response to different measures and where measures are... Read More about Best Practices for Monitoring and Assessing the Ecological Response to River Restoration.

CD34+ progenitors are predictive of mortality and are associated with physical activity in cardiovascular disease patients (2021)
Journal Article
Muggeridge, D., Dodd, J., & Ross, M. D. (2021). CD34+ progenitors are predictive of mortality and are associated with physical activity in cardiovascular disease patients. Atherosclerosis, 333, 108-115.

Background and aims
Circulating progenitor cells (CPCs) play an important role in vascular repair and can influence cardiovascular (CV) health and longevity. Exercise is known to modulate these cells via mobilization from the bone marrow. The primar... Read More about CD34+ progenitors are predictive of mortality and are associated with physical activity in cardiovascular disease patients.

Allelic losses and gains during translocations of a high conservation value fish, Coregonus lavaretus (2021)
Journal Article
Præbel, K., Bean, C. W., Dodd, J. A., Etheridge, E. C., Gowans, A. R., Knudsen, R., Lyle, A. A., Maitland, P. S., Winfield, I. J., & Adams, C. E. (2021). Allelic losses and gains during translocations of a high conservation value fish, Coregonus lavaretus. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 31(9), 2575-2585.

The use of translocations to establish new or ‘refuge’ populations for species with high conservation value is controversial but widely used in conservation management. One of the risks of this approach is that an establishing population does not... Read More about Allelic losses and gains during translocations of a high conservation value fish, Coregonus lavaretus.

Training future generations to deliver evidence‐based conservation and ecosystem management (2021)
Journal Article
Downey, H., Amano, T., Cadotte, M., Cook, C. N., Cooke, S. J., Haddaway, N. R., Jones, J. P. G., Littlewood, N., Walsh, J. C., Abrahams, M. I., Adum, G., Akasaka, M., Alves, J. A., Antwis, R. E., Arellano, E. C., Axmacher, J., Barclay, H., Batty, L., Benítez‐López, A., Bennett, J. R., …Sutherland, W. J. (2021). Training future generations to deliver evidence‐based conservation and ecosystem management. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 2(1), Article e12032.

1. To be effective, the next generation of conservation practitioners and managers need to be critical thinkers with a deep understanding of how to make evidence-based decisions and of the value of evidence synthesis.

2. If, as educators, we do no... Read More about Training future generations to deliver evidence‐based conservation and ecosystem management.