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All Outputs (2)

Perspectives of Healthcare Providers to Inform the Design of an AI-Enhanced Social Robot in the Pediatric Emergency Department (2023)
Journal Article
Hudson, S., Nishat, F., Stinson, J., Litwin, S., Zeller, F., Wiles, B., Foster, M. E., & Ali, S. (2023). Perspectives of Healthcare Providers to Inform the Design of an AI-Enhanced Social Robot in the Pediatric Emergency Department. Children, 10(9), Article 1511.

Children commonly experience pain and distress in healthcare settings related to medical procedures such as blood tests and intravenous insertions (IVIs). Inadequately addressed pain and distress can result in both short- and long-term negative conse... Read More about Perspectives of Healthcare Providers to Inform the Design of an AI-Enhanced Social Robot in the Pediatric Emergency Department.

Soziale Medien in der empirischen Forschung (2023)
Book Chapter
Zeller, F. (2023). Soziale Medien in der empirischen Forschung. In J. Schmidt, & M. Taddicken (Eds.), Handbuch Soziale Medien (167-187). Wiesbaden: Springer.

Der Beitrag bietet einen Überblick zu sozialen Medien in der empirischen Forschung mit einem methodologischen und instrumentellen Fokus. Er diskutiert die unterschiedlichen Methoden, welche in der Kommunikationswissenschaft bereits angewandt werden,... Read More about Soziale Medien in der empirischen Forschung.