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All Outputs (9)

Automatic Human Utility Evaluation of ASR Systems: Does WER Really Predict Performance? (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Favre, B., Cheung, K., Kazemian, S., Lee, A., Liu, Y., Munteanu, C., Nenkova, A., Ochei, D., Penn, G., Tratz, S., Voss, C., & Zeller, F. (2013, August). Automatic Human Utility Evaluation of ASR Systems: Does WER Really Predict Performance?. Presented at Interspeech 2013, Lyon, France

We propose an alternative evaluation metric to Word Error Rate (WER) for the decision audit task of meeting recordings, which exemplifies how to evaluate speech recognition within a legitimate application context. Using machine learning on an initial... Read More about Automatic Human Utility Evaluation of ASR Systems: Does WER Really Predict Performance?.

New Perspectives on Audience Activity: 'Prosumption' and Media Activism as Audience Practices (2013)
Book Chapter
O’Neill, B., Gallego, J. I., & Zeller, F. (2013). New Perspectives on Audience Activity: 'Prosumption' and Media Activism as Audience Practices. In N. Carpentier, K. C. Schroeder, & L. Hallett (Eds.), Audience Transformations: Shifting Audience Positions in Late Modernity (157-171). Routledge

Until relatively recently, the subject of social relationships, constituted in and through audience practices, has been a minor part of audience research studies. This chapter explores how social relationships and forms of audience agency change and... Read More about New Perspectives on Audience Activity: 'Prosumption' and Media Activism as Audience Practices.

My kulturBOT 1.0 (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Zeller, F., & Harris Smith, D. (2013, July). My kulturBOT 1.0. Presented at Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2013), London

My kulturBOT 1.0 is a robotic art critic that attends exhibitions and produces tweets and captioned images for social media. kulturBOT indiscriminately takes pictures of the artworks, as well as the venue and the exhibition visitors. It integrates ra... Read More about My kulturBOT 1.0.

A Subjective User-Typology of Online News Consumption (2013)
Journal Article
Zeller, F., O'Kane, J., Godo, E., & Goodrum, A. (2014). A Subjective User-Typology of Online News Consumption. Digital Journalism, 2(2), 214-231.

Taking up current research results relating social media usage to online news consumption, we describe a theoretical and methodological approach that puts the subjective, or personal, dimension of online news consumption at the center of our investig... Read More about A Subjective User-Typology of Online News Consumption.

kulturBOT poetry read at Edmonton Poetry Festival (2013)
Exhibition / Performance
Smith, D. H., Zeller, F., & Men, I. kulturBOT poetry read at Edmonton Poetry Festival. [Poetry]. Performed at Edmonton Poetry Festival. 24 January 2013 - 30 March 2013