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All Outputs (60)

Virtual Worlds for Facilitating Urban Development Dialogue (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Harris Smith, D., Zeller, F., Eyles, J., Silva de Jesus, D., Dwyer, L., & Eyles, E. (2017, July). Virtual Worlds for Facilitating Urban Development Dialogue. Presented at Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2017), London

Tracking the imagined audience: A case study on Nike’s use of Twitter for B2C interaction (2017)
Journal Article
Au Duong, J., & Zeller, F. (2017). Tracking the imagined audience: A case study on Nike’s use of Twitter for B2C interaction. First Monday, 22(5), 1-21.

Social media platforms have become the new centre of attention in business-to-consumer (B2C) communication. These interactions provide a rich source of information for businesses in terms of their customers’ preferences, backgrounds and behaviour. We... Read More about Tracking the imagined audience: A case study on Nike’s use of Twitter for B2C interaction.

The Death and Lives of hitchBOT: The Design and Implementation of a Hitchhiking Robot (2017)
Journal Article
Smith, D. H., & Zeller, F. (2017). The Death and Lives of hitchBOT: The Design and Implementation of a Hitchhiking Robot. Leonardo, 50(1), 77-78.

In the early morning hours of 1 August 2015, as it waited for its next ride on a Philly park bench, unknown assailants destroyed hitchBOT. Arms torn from its body, legs broken, gutted of its electronics, it was left discarded in a park, minus its smi... Read More about The Death and Lives of hitchBOT: The Design and Implementation of a Hitchhiking Robot.

My kulturBOT 1.0: A robotic art reviewer (2016)
Exhibition / Performance
Smith, D. H., Zeller, F., & Men, I. My kulturBOT 1.0: A robotic art reviewer. [Robotics and multimedia]. Exhibited at You Me Gallery, Hamilton, ON. 2016

Combining mobile, tangible and virtual world platforms to support participatory campus planning (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Coppins, H., Tibu, T., Chang, J. S.-K., Mazalek, A., & Zeller, F. (2016, November). Combining mobile, tangible and virtual world platforms to support participatory campus planning. Presented at ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces, Ontario, Canada

Urban planning, and campus planning in particular, can benefit greatly from technology that fosters and leverages collaborative, participatory planning which includes all affected stakeholders. Interactive surfaces such as tabletops and walls, and sp... Read More about Combining mobile, tangible and virtual world platforms to support participatory campus planning.

Soziale Medien in der empirischen Forschung (2016)
Book Chapter
Zeller, F. (2017). Soziale Medien in der empirischen Forschung. In J. H. Schmidt, & M. Taddicken (Eds.), Handbuch Soziale Medien (389-408). Springer.

Der Beitrag bietet einen Überblick zu sozialen Medien in der empirischen Forschung mit einem methodologischen und instrumentellen Fokus. Es werden die unterschiedlichen Methoden diskutiert, welche aus der Onlineforschung übernommen werden können sowi... Read More about Soziale Medien in der empirischen Forschung.

hitchBOT (2015)
Exhibition / Performance
Smith, D. H., & Zeller, F. hitchBOT. [Mixed]. Exhibited at Heinz Nixdorf Computer Science Museum, Paderborn, Germany. 2015

hitchBOT (2015)
Exhibition / Performance
Zeller, F., & Smith, D. H. hitchBOT. [Mixed]. Exhibited at Canada Science and Technology Museum, Ottawa. 2015

Soziale Medien in der empirischen Forschung (2015)
Book Chapter
Zeller, F. (2015). Soziale Medien in der empirischen Forschung. In J.-H. Schmidt, & M. Taddicken (Eds.), Handbuch Soziale Medien (1-19). Springer.

Der Beitrag bietet einen Überblick zu sozialen Medien in der empirischen Forschung mit einem methodologischen und instrumentellen Fokus. Es werden die unterschiedlichen Methoden diskutiert, welche aus der Onlineforschung übernommen werden können sowi... Read More about Soziale Medien in der empirischen Forschung.

My kulturBOT 1.0: A robotic art reviewer (2015)
Exhibition / Performance
Smith, D. H., Zeller, F., & Men, I. My kulturBOT 1.0: A robotic art reviewer. [Robotics and Multimedia]. Exhibited at PoeTrain tour, Canada. 17 April 2015 - 26 April 2015

When Tradition meets Immediacy and Interaction: The Integration of Social Media in Journalists’ Everyday Practices (2015)
Journal Article
Zeller, F., & Hermida, A. (2015). When Tradition meets Immediacy and Interaction: The Integration of Social Media in Journalists’ Everyday Practices. Sur le journalisme/About journalism/Sobre jornalismo, 4(1), 106-119

Journalists in Western liberal democracies face similar challenges in melding existing, hierarchical models of media production with emerging communications technologies where knowledge, expertise and authority are networked and distributed. This pap... Read More about When Tradition meets Immediacy and Interaction: The Integration of Social Media in Journalists’ Everyday Practices.

Emotionalisierte Berichterstattung? Wie die Presse in Großbritannien, den USA und Deutschland über die Folgen des Erdbebens und des Tsunamis in Japan berichtete (2014)
Book Chapter
Zeller, F., Arlt, D., & Wolling, J. (2014). Emotionalisierte Berichterstattung? Wie die Presse in Großbritannien, den USA und Deutschland über die Folgen des Erdbebens und des Tsunamis in Japan berichtete. In J. Wolling, & D. Arlt (Eds.), Fukushima und die Folgen - Medienberichterstattung, Öffentliche Meinung, Politische Konsequenzen (183-209). Universitätsverlag Ilmenau

Big data in audience research: A critical perspective (2014)
Book Chapter
Zeller, F. (2015). Big data in audience research: A critical perspective. In F. Zeller, C. Ponte, & B. O’Neill (Eds.), Revitalising Audience Research (261-278). Routledge.

What does big data 2 mean for contemporary and future audience research? Does it simply have methodological implications, such as giving up traditional methods for the sake of algorithms and large data sets? Does it mean that our audiences have chang... Read More about Big data in audience research: A critical perspective.

Introduction: Revitalising audience research: Innovations in European audience research (2014)
Book Chapter
Zeller, F., Ponte, C., & O’Neill, B. (2014). Introduction: Revitalising audience research: Innovations in European audience research. In F. Zeller, C. Ponte, & B. O'Neill (Eds.), Revitalising audience research: Innovations in European audience research. Taylor & Francis

This chapter explores the premise that the nature of audiencehood itself has changed within the contemporary digital environment, in ways that has both conceptual and methodological implications for audience research design. It discusses some general... Read More about Introduction: Revitalising audience research: Innovations in European audience research.

Online-Forschung und Big Data (2014)
Book Chapter
Zeller, F. (2014). Online-Forschung und Big Data. In M. Welker, M. Taddicken, J. H. Schmidt, & N. Jackob (Eds.), Handbuch Online-Forschung: Sozialwissenschaftliche Datengewinnung und -auswertung in digitalen Netzen (424-451). Herbert von Halem