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Prototyping for public health in a local context: a streamlined evaluation of a community-based weight management programme (Momenta), Northumberland, UK (2019)
Journal Article
Dodd-Reynolds, C. J., Nevens, L., Oliver, E. J., Finch, T., Lake, A. A., & Hanson, C. L. (2019). Prototyping for public health in a local context: a streamlined evaluation of a community-based weight management programme (Momenta), Northumberland, UK. BMJ Open, 9(10), Article e029718.

Objectives: Stakeholder co-production in design of public health programmes may reduce the ‘implementation gap’ but can be time-consuming and costly. Prototyping, iterative refining relevant to delivery context, offers a potential solution. This eval... Read More about Prototyping for public health in a local context: a streamlined evaluation of a community-based weight management programme (Momenta), Northumberland, UK.

A systematic review and thematic synthesis exploring how a previous experience of physically activity influences engagement with cardiac rehabilitation (2019)
Journal Article
McHale, S., Astin, F., Neubeck, L., Dawkes, S., & Hanson, C. (2020). A systematic review and thematic synthesis exploring how a previous experience of physically activity influences engagement with cardiac rehabilitation. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 19(1), 31-43.

Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation is recognised internationally as an effective therapy to improve quality of life and reduce risk of hospital readmission for individuals diagnosed with Acute Coronary Syndrome. Despite this, half of... Read More about A systematic review and thematic synthesis exploring how a previous experience of physically activity influences engagement with cardiac rehabilitation.

How do participant experiences and characteristics influence engagement in exercise referral? A qualitative longitudinal study of a scheme in Northumberland, UK (2019)
Journal Article
Hanson, C. L., Oliver, E. J., Dodd-Reynolds, C. J., & Allin, L. J. (2019). How do participant experiences and characteristics influence engagement in exercise referral? A qualitative longitudinal study of a scheme in Northumberland, UK. BMJ Open, 9(2), Article e024370.

Exercise referral schemes (ERSs) are internationally widespread. This study aimed to gain an insight into differential engagement through understanding participant experiences of patients referred by healthcare professionals to one such... Read More about How do participant experiences and characteristics influence engagement in exercise referral? A qualitative longitudinal study of a scheme in Northumberland, UK.