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All Outputs (4)

The thermal non-equilibrium porous media modelling for CFD study of woven wire matrix of a Stirling regenerator (2014)
Journal Article
Costa, S., Barreno, I., Tutar, M., Esnaola, J., & Barrutia, H. (2015). The thermal non-equilibrium porous media modelling for CFD study of woven wire matrix of a Stirling regenerator. Energy Conversion and Management, 89, 473-483.

Different numerical methods can be applied to the analysis of the flow through the Stirling engine regenerator. One growing approach is to model the regenerator as porous medium to simulate and design the full Stirling engine in three-dimensional (3-... Read More about The thermal non-equilibrium porous media modelling for CFD study of woven wire matrix of a Stirling regenerator.

Dynamics of an oscillating Stirling heat pump (2014)
Journal Article
Barreno, I., Costa, S., Cordon, M., Urrutibeascoa, I., Gomez, X., & Mateos, M. (2014). Dynamics of an oscillating Stirling heat pump. Applied Energy, 136, 704-711.

In this paper, a promising heat pump based on Stirling technology is examined. Based on the volume variation produced by the oscillating displacement of two pistons, the advantages of this particular system lie in the elimination of a transmission me... Read More about Dynamics of an oscillating Stirling heat pump.

Experimental and numerical flow investigation of Stirling engine regenerator (2014)
Journal Article
Costa, S.-C., Tutar, M., Barreno, I., Esnaola, J.-A., Barrutia, H., García, D., González, M.-A., & Prieto, J.-I. (2014). Experimental and numerical flow investigation of Stirling engine regenerator. Energy, 72, 800-812.

This paper presents both preliminary experimental and numerical studies of pressure drop and heat transfer characteristics of Stirling engine regenerators. A test bench is designed and manufactured for testing different regenerators under oscillating... Read More about Experimental and numerical flow investigation of Stirling engine regenerator.

Numerical study of the heat transfer in wound woven wire matrix of a Stirling regenerator (2014)
Journal Article
Costa, S., Barrutia, H., Esnaola, J. A., & Tutar, M. (2014). Numerical study of the heat transfer in wound woven wire matrix of a Stirling regenerator. Energy Conversion and Management, 79, 255-264.

Nusselt number correlation equations are numerically derived by characterizing the heat transfer phenomena through porous medium of both stacked and wound woven wire matrices of a Stirling engine regenerator over a specified range of Reynolds number,... Read More about Numerical study of the heat transfer in wound woven wire matrix of a Stirling regenerator.