Young Women's Constructions of the HPV Vaccine: A Cross-Cultural, Qualitative Study in Scotland, Spain, Serbia and Bulgaria
Journal Article
Gray Brunton, C., Farver, I., Jaeger, M., Lenneis, A., Parve, K., Patarcic, D., Petrova, D., Hogg, R., Kennedy, C., Garcia-Retamero, R., & Todorova, I. (2013). Young Women's Constructions of the HPV Vaccine: A Cross-Cultural, Qualitative Study in Scotland, Spain, Serbia and Bulgaria. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine,
Background: Following international trends, the HPV (human
papilloma virus) vaccine was introduced in Europe for protection against infection from common strands of the HPV virus which can lead to cervical cancer. Young women aged 18–26 years are at...
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