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All Outputs (18)

The impact of gender perceptions and professional values on women’s careers in nursing (2015)
Journal Article
McIntosh, B., McQuaid, R., & Munro, A. (2015). The impact of gender perceptions and professional values on women’s careers in nursing. Gender in management an international journal, 30(1), 26-43.

– This purpose of this paper is to engage two enduring sets of assumptions within nursing: firstly, that woman with children should prioritise the care of children; and secondly, that nursing standards require nurses to put their profession... Read More about The impact of gender perceptions and professional values on women’s careers in nursing.

Motherhood and its impact on career progression-the case of Scottish nurses 2000-2008 (2012)
Journal Article
McIntosh, B., McQuaid, R. W., Munro, A., & Dabir-Alai, P. (2012). Motherhood and its impact on career progression-the case of Scottish nurses 2000-2008. Gender in management an international journal, 27, 346-364.

Purpose – After many years of equal opportunities legislation, motherhood still limits womens' career progress even in a feminized occupation such as nursing. While the effect of motherhood, working hours, career breaks and school aged children upon... Read More about Motherhood and its impact on career progression-the case of Scottish nurses 2000-2008.

Is regulation good for skill development? Mediating actors and workplace practice in adult social care in England (2011)
Journal Article
Rainbird, H., Leeson, E., & Munro, A. (2011). Is regulation good for skill development? Mediating actors and workplace practice in adult social care in England. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22(18), 3727-3741.

The Care Standards Act (2000) regulates the provision of care services in the UK, specifying induction and competence requirements for managers and workers, and that workers should have access to 3 days of training a year. Applying Dickens' concept... Read More about Is regulation good for skill development? Mediating actors and workplace practice in adult social care in England.

Making equalities work? Scottish trade unions’ approaches to equal opportunities (2007)
Journal Article
Lindsay, C., Munro, A., & Wise, S. (2007). Making equalities work? Scottish trade unions’ approaches to equal opportunities. Equal Opportunities International, 26(5), 465-481.

Purpose – This paper seeks to analyse trade unions’ approaches to equal opportunities in Scotland, focusing on issues of: recruitment of membership from different groups; promoting diversity in post‐holding; and the role of “key equalities issues” i... Read More about Making equalities work? Scottish trade unions’ approaches to equal opportunities.

Running Faster to Stay in the Same Place? The Intended and Unintended Consequences of Government Policy for Workplace Learning in Britain (2005)
Book Chapter
Rainbird, H., Munro, A., & Senker, P. (2005). Running Faster to Stay in the Same Place? The Intended and Unintended Consequences of Government Policy for Workplace Learning in Britain. In N. Bascia, A. Cumming, A. Datnow, K. Leithwood, & D. Livingstone (Eds.), International Handbook of Educational Policy; Springer International Handbooks of Education (885-901). Springer.

Recent policy debates have emphasised the significance of workplace learning to the vision of the ‘learning society’ and the ‘knowledge-based economy’. Whereas these terms trip relatively easily off the tongue, identifying what they mean in terms of... Read More about Running Faster to Stay in the Same Place? The Intended and Unintended Consequences of Government Policy for Workplace Learning in Britain.

Opening doors as well as banging on tables: an assessment of UNISON/employer partnerships on learning in the UK public sector (2004)
Journal Article
Munro, A., & Rainbird, H. (2004). Opening doors as well as banging on tables: an assessment of UNISON/employer partnerships on learning in the UK public sector. Industrial Relations Journal, 35(5), 419-433.

The academic debate on partnerships has so far mainly focused on whether there are mutual gains for both unions and employers and whether they support or undermine branch organisation. This debate is here assessed in relation to learning partnerships... Read More about Opening doors as well as banging on tables: an assessment of UNISON/employer partnerships on learning in the UK public sector.

Employee Voice and Training at Work: An Analysis of Case Studies and WERS98: (579712011-001) (2003)
Rainbird, H., Sutherland, J., Edwards, P., Holly, L., & Munro, A. (2003). Employee Voice and Training at Work: An Analysis of Case Studies and WERS98: (579712011-001). PsycEXTRA Dataset: Department of Trade and Industry

Developed institutions of employee voice are rare across British industry. Case study evidence suggests that approaches to training are more effective when management and employees are jointly involved in decision-making. They also reveal tension bet... Read More about Employee Voice and Training at Work: An Analysis of Case Studies and WERS98: (579712011-001).

Workplace learning and the employment relationship in the public sector (2003)
Journal Article
Rainbird, H., & Munro, A. (2003). Workplace learning and the employment relationship in the public sector. Human Resource Management Journal, 13(2), 30-44.

Training that is relevant to employers is not necessarily enriching for employees, especially those on the lower salary scales. The authors argue that the analysis of training and development needs to be understood in the context of the employment re... Read More about Workplace learning and the employment relationship in the public sector.

Job change and workplace learning in the public sector: the significance of new technology for unskilled work (2002)
Journal Article
Munro, A., & Rainbird, H. (2002). Job change and workplace learning in the public sector: the significance of new technology for unskilled work. New Technology, Work and Employment, 17(3), 224-235.

Focussing here on local authorities and health services, this paper examines the significance of new technology to unskilled work in the public sector as it is developing and the implications for workplace learning. An argument is developed that new... Read More about Job change and workplace learning in the public sector: the significance of new technology for unskilled work.

“Working together – involving staff”: Partnership working in the NHS (2002)
Journal Article
Munro, A. (2002). “Working together – involving staff”: Partnership working in the NHS. Employee Relations, 24(3), 277-289.

Contributes to debates about employee involvement and social partnership by exploring the ways in which individualist and collectivist aspects interrelate in a single initiative in the National Health Service. Identifies a particular form of employe... Read More about “Working together – involving staff”: Partnership working in the NHS.

A feminist trade union agenda? The continued significance of class, gender and race. (2001)
Journal Article
Munro, A. (2001). A feminist trade union agenda? The continued significance of class, gender and race. Gender, Work and Organization, 8(4), 454-471.

During the 1990s attempts to identify a feminist trade union agenda have focused on both the content and process of such a potential agenda. In a period in which trade unions have changed significantly, the general national agenda appears to be chang... Read More about A feminist trade union agenda? The continued significance of class, gender and race..

The New Unionism and the New Bargaining Agenda: UNISON–Employer Partnerships on Workplace Learning in Britain (2000)
Journal Article
Munro, A., & Rainbird, H. (2000). The New Unionism and the New Bargaining Agenda: UNISON–Employer Partnerships on Workplace Learning in Britain. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 38(2), 223-240.

A model of new unionism has been developed which is characterized by features such as the servicing of members as customers and a shift to co-operative industrial relations. The UNISON–employer partnerships in workplace learning in the UK initially a... Read More about The New Unionism and the New Bargaining Agenda: UNISON–Employer Partnerships on Workplace Learning in Britain.