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All Outputs (6)

How Gender Can Travel, or Not, through Children’s Books: A Comparison of Poland and the United States (2023)
Journal Article
Zabrzewska, A. (2023). How Gender Can Travel, or Not, through Children’s Books: A Comparison of Poland and the United States. International Research in Children's Literature, 16(1), 86-101.

Previous research, mainly from the US, indicates that children’s literature is a powerful transmitter of gender roles. To better understand how ideas about gender found in children’s books cross national borders, travel within frontiers, and crash ag... Read More about How Gender Can Travel, or Not, through Children’s Books: A Comparison of Poland and the United States.

Gender, Voice, and Violence in Poland. Women's Protests during the Pandemic (2021)
Zabrzewska, A., & Dubrow, J. K. (Eds.). (2021). Gender, Voice, and Violence in Poland. Women's Protests during the Pandemic. Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences

In autumn 2020, as the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic began, the Constitutional Tribunal issued a ruling that severely restricted access to abortion in Poland. Massive street protests, led by Strajk Kobiet (Women’s Strike), quickly followed. Th... Read More about Gender, Voice, and Violence in Poland. Women's Protests during the Pandemic.

Gender Quotas in the Post-Communist World. Voice of the Parliamentarians (2020)
Dubrow, J., & Zabrzewska, A. (Eds.). (2020). Gender Quotas in the Post-Communist World. Voice of the Parliamentarians. Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences

Representation is a core component of political voice, and gender quota policy greatly amplifies women’s voices in the parliaments of Europe.

This is a source book of new and updated information on gender quotas in the post-Communist world. We fea... Read More about Gender Quotas in the Post-Communist World. Voice of the Parliamentarians.

Przyjemność gardła i śliny. Wokalna ontologia niepowtarzalności Adriany Cavarero (2019)
Journal Article
Zabrzewska, A. (2019). Przyjemność gardła i śliny. Wokalna ontologia niepowtarzalności Adriany Cavarero. Teksty Drugie, 5, 279-296.

Zabrzewska discusses Adriana Cavarero’s philosophy of voice as well as three categories that are key to this project: relationality, pleasure and uniqueness. By replacing phonocentrism with the devocalisation of logos, Cavarero searches for an altern... Read More about Przyjemność gardła i śliny. Wokalna ontologia niepowtarzalności Adriany Cavarero.

Gender w literaturze dla dzieci. Feministyczna metodologia: Ciało, Głos, Opowieść (2019)
Journal Article
Zabrzewska, A. (2019). Gender w literaturze dla dzieci. Feministyczna metodologia: Ciało, Głos, Opowieść. Avant, 11(3),

Celem artykułu jest: (a) zainicjowanie dyskusji, która wypełniłaby lukę w badaniach nad literaturą dziecięcą i młodzieżową w Polsce, jaką jest brak pogłębionego namysłu nad płcią społeczno-kulturową przez pryzmat myśli feministycznej; (b) zaprezentow... Read More about Gender w literaturze dla dzieci. Feministyczna metodologia: Ciało, Głos, Opowieść.

Becoming Bodies: Material Feminism in Children’s and Adolescent Literature (2019)
Journal Article
Zabrzewska, A. (2019). Becoming Bodies: Material Feminism in Children’s and Adolescent Literature. Dzieciństwo. Literatura i Kultura, 1(1), 259-272.

As a review article dedicated to Twenty-First-Century Feminisms in Children’s and Adolescent Literature (2018) by Roberta Seelinger Trites, the paper aims to discuss the material turn in feminist theory and its implications with respect to research o... Read More about Becoming Bodies: Material Feminism in Children’s and Adolescent Literature.