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Widening Access; Developing an eLearning Resource for Health and Social Care Professionals Caring for Children and Young People with Cancer

McInally, Wendy; Pouso Lista, Maria J.; McLaren, Natalia; Willis, Diane S.


Wendy McInally

Maria J. Pouso Lista

Natalia McLaren


Cancer is a key priority worldwide, and caring for children and young people with cancer requires a range of specific knowledge, skills and experience in order to deliver the complex care regimes both within the hospital or community environment. The aim of this paper is to disseminate work undertaken to design and develop pedagogical practice and innovation through an eLearning resource for health care professionals caring for children and young people with cancer across the globe. The work undertaken evaluated an existing cancer course (which has been withdrawn) that was developed and delivered through the Paediatric Oncology Nurses Forum, Royal College Nursing (Nurse Educators) and Warwick University. The evaluation consisted of 26 open and closed questions relating to the previous resource and was circulated to all health and social care professionals involved directly within specialist oncology services through the Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group. Questionnaires were sent out to a convenience sample of 773 health care professionals and the response rate was 14%. The findings identified that the course was predominantly accessed by nurses, but other health care professionals also found it useful. Participants highlighted several areas where they believed content could be developed or was lacking. This included areas such as palliative and end of life care, nutrition, sepsis and teenagers and young people. This feedback was then used to develop a site dedicated to the care of children and young people with cancer.


McInally, W., Pouso Lista, M. J., McLaren, N., & Willis, D. S. (2017). Widening Access; Developing an eLearning Resource for Health and Social Care Professionals Caring for Children and Young People with Cancer. Journal of Cancer Education,

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 17, 2017
Online Publication Date Sep 29, 2017
Publication Date Sep 29, 2017
Deposit Date Oct 11, 2017
Publicly Available Date Sep 30, 2018
Journal Journal of Cancer Education
Print ISSN 0885-8195
Electronic ISSN 1543-0154
Publisher BMC
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health; Oncology
Public URL
Contract Date Jan 3, 2018


Widening access; developing an eLearning resource for health professionals caring for children and young people with cancer (62 Kb)

Copyright Statement
This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Journal of Cancer Education. The final authenticated version is available online at:

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