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Curriculum for Excellence Transitions Project

Bhardwaj, Jyoti; Taylor-Smith, Ella



The Curriculum for Excellence Transitions Project explores the impact of the CfE on the transition from school to university for undergraduate computing students. It will compare the
September 2015 intake from Scottish schools to the School of Computing, Edinburgh Napier University (the final cohort with pre-CfE experience and qualifications) with the September 2016
(first post-CfE) intake. The methodology includes structured interviews and a domain-specific self-efficacy questionnaire.

This presentation reports initial findings from the first phase of the project, based on structured interviews with 52 undergraduate computing students, conducted during their first semester at
university. The interviews aimed to uncover the students’ experiences of learning at their secondary schools, based on the vision of the “successful CfE learner” described by Education
Scotland (2016).

The presentation will focus on the emerging themes: self-aware learning; technology to support learning; collaboration; and developing citizenship.


Bhardwaj, J., & Taylor-Smith, E. (2016, June). Curriculum for Excellence Transitions Project. Presented at SICSA Education Workshop: "Student Transitions Within Computing", Aberdeen

Presentation Conference Type Presentation / Talk
Conference Name SICSA Education Workshop: "Student Transitions Within Computing"
Start Date Jun 15, 2016
End Date Jun 15, 2016
Deposit Date Jan 21, 2021
Public URL