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Feasibility and cost-effectiveness of stroke prevention through community screening for atrial fibrillation using iPhone ECG in pharmacies: The SEARCH-AF study

Lowres, N.; Neubeck, L.; Salkeld, G.; Krass, I.; McLachlan, A. J.; Redfern, J.; Bennett, A. A.; Briffa, T.; Bauman, A.; Martinez, C.; Wallenhorst, C.; Lau, J. K.; Brieger, D. B.; Sy, R. W.; Freedman, S. B.


N. Lowres

G. Salkeld

I. Krass

A. J. McLachlan

J. Redfern

A. A. Bennett

T. Briffa

A. Bauman

C. Martinez

C. Wallenhorst

J. K. Lau

D. B. Brieger

R. W. Sy

S. B. Freedman


Atrial fibrillation (AF) causes a third of all strokes, but often goes undetected before stroke. Identification of unknown AF in the community and subsequent anti-thrombotic treatment could reduce stroke burden. We investigated community screening for unknown AF using an iPhone electrocardiogram (iECG) in pharmacies, and determined the cost-effectiveness of this strategy.Pharmacists performedpulse palpation and iECG recordings, with cardiologist iECG over-reading. General practitioner review/12-lead ECG was facilitated for suspected new AF. An automated AF algorithm was retrospectively applied to collected iECGs. Cost-effectiveness analysis incorporated costs of iECG screening, and treatment/outcome data from a United Kingdom cohort of 5,555 patients with incidentally detected asymptomatic AF. A total of 1,000 pharmacy customers aged ≥65 years (mean 76 ± 7 years; 44% male) were screened. Newly identified AF was found in 1.5% (95% CI, 0.8-2.5%); mean age 79 ± 6 years; all had CHA2DS2-VASc score ≥2. AF prevalence was 6.7% (67/1,000). The automated iECG algorithm showed 98.5% (CI, 92-100%) sensitivity for AF detection and 91.4% (CI, 89-93%) specificity. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of extending iECG screening into the community, based on 55% warfarin prescription adherence, would be $AUD5,988 (€3,142; $USD4,066) per Quality Adjusted Life Year gained and $AUD30,481 (€15,993; $USD20,695) for preventing one stroke. Sensitivity analysis indicated cost-effectiveness improved with increased treatment adherence.Screening with iECG in pharmacies with an automated algorithm is both feasible and cost-effective. The high and largely preventable stroke/thromboembolism risk of those with newly identified AF highlights the likely benefits of community AF screening. Guideline recommendation of community iECG AF screening should be considered.


Lowres, N., Neubeck, L., Salkeld, G., Krass, I., McLachlan, A. J., Redfern, J., Bennett, A. A., Briffa, T., Bauman, A., Martinez, C., Wallenhorst, C., Lau, J. K., Brieger, D. B., Sy, R. W., & Freedman, S. B. (2014). Feasibility and cost-effectiveness of stroke prevention through community screening for atrial fibrillation using iPhone ECG in pharmacies: The SEARCH-AF study. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 111(6), 1167-1176.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Mar 19, 2014
Online Publication Date Apr 1, 2014
Publication Date 2014
Deposit Date Oct 28, 2016
Print ISSN 0340-6245
Publisher Schattauer
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 111
Issue 6
Pages 1167-1176
Keywords Atrial fibrillation, anticoagulation, cost-effectiveness, screening, stroke prevention,
Public URL