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WABAD: A World Annotated Bird Acoustic Dataset for Passive Acoustic Monitoring

Pérez-Granados, Cristian; Etxebarría, Jon Morant; Darras, Kevin Félix Arno; Gómez, Oscar Humberto Marín; Mendoza, Irene; Mohedano-Muñoz, Miguel Ángel; Santamaría, Eduardo; Bastianelli, Giulia; Márquez-Rodríguez, Alba; Budka, Michał; Bota, Gerard; Rubio, José M. de la Peña; Morena, Eladio L. García de la; Santa-Cruz:, Manu; Nava, Pablo de la; Fernández-Tizón, Mario; Sánchez-Mateos, Hugo; Barrero, Adrián; Traba, Juan; Osiejuk, Tomasz S.; Hart, Patrick J.; Navine, A.; Muñoz, Andrés Felipe Montoya; de Araujo, Carlos Barros; Rosa, Gabriel Lima Medina; Torres, Ingrid Maria Denóbile; Catalano, Ana Luiza Camargo; Simões, Cássio Rachid Meireles de Almeida; Llusia, Diego; M. B., Morales Manuel; Acebes, Pablo; Medina, Juan Antonio; Brown, Nicholas; Astaras, Christos; Karmiris, Ilias; Navarrete, Elizabeth; Cauchoix, Maxime; Barbaro, Luc; Funosas, David; Arend, Dominik; Müller, Sandra; González-García, Fernando; González-Romero, Alberto; Mammides, Christos; Pontikis, Michaelangelo; Jacuzzi, Giordan...


Cristian Pérez-Granados

Jon Morant Etxebarría

Kevin Félix Arno Darras

Oscar Humberto Marín Gómez

Irene Mendoza

Miguel Ángel Mohedano-Muñoz

Eduardo Santamaría

Giulia Bastianelli

Alba Márquez-Rodríguez

Michał Budka

Gerard Bota

José M. de la Peña Rubio

Eladio L. García de la Morena

Manu Santa-Cruz:

Pablo de la Nava

Mario Fernández-Tizón

Hugo Sánchez-Mateos

Adrián Barrero

Juan Traba

Tomasz S. Osiejuk

Patrick J. Hart

A. Navine

Andrés Felipe Montoya Muñoz

Carlos Barros de Araujo

Gabriel Lima Medina Rosa

Ingrid Maria Denóbile Torres

Ana Luiza Camargo Catalano

Cássio Rachid Meireles de Almeida Simões

Diego Llusia

Morales Manuel M. B.

Pablo Acebes

Juan Antonio Medina

Nicholas Brown

Christos Astaras

Ilias Karmiris

Elizabeth Navarrete

Maxime Cauchoix

Luc Barbaro

David Funosas

Dominik Arend

Sandra Müller

Fernando González-García

Alberto González-Romero

Christos Mammides

Michaelangelo Pontikis

Giordano Jacuzzi

Julian D. Olden

Sara P. Bombaci

Gabriel Marcacci

Alain Jacot

Juan Pablo Zurano

Elena Gangenova

Diego Varela

Facundo Di Sallo

Gustavo A. Zurita

Andrey Atemasov

Junior A. Tremblay

Vincent Lamarre

Anja Hutschenreiter

Alan Monroy-Ojeda

Mauricio Díaz-Vallejo

Sergio Chaparro-Herrera

Renata S. Sousa-Lima

Thiago Pinheiro

Wigna Carla da Silva

Alice Calvente

Anamaria Dal Molin

Alexandre Antonelli

Svetlana Gogoleva

Igor Palko

Hiếu Vũ Trọng

Marina Henriques Lage Duarte

Natália dos Santos Falcão Saturnino

Samuel Rodrigues Silva

Ana Rainho

Paula Lopes

Karl-L. Schuchmann

Matinez I. Marques

Ana S. de Oliveira

Nick A. Littlewood

Mao-Ning Tuanmu

Yi-Ru Cheng

Hsuan Chao

Sebastian Kepfer-Rojas

Andrea L. Aguilera

Lluís Brotons

Mariano J. Feldman

Louis Imbeau:

Pooja Panwar

Aaron S. Weed

Anant Dehwal

Esther Sebastián-González


Under the current global biodiversity crisis, there is a need for automated and non-invasive monitoring techniques that are able to gather large amounts of information cost-effectively at large scales. One such technique is passive acoustic monitoring, which is commonly coupled with automatic identification of animal species based on their sound. Automated sound analyses usually require the training of sound detection and identification algorithms. These algorithms are based on annotated acoustic datasets which mark the occurrence of sounds of particular species. However, compiling large annotated acoustic datasets is time consuming and requires experts, and therefore they normally cover a reduced spatial and taxonomic scale. This data paper presents WABAD, the World Annotated Bird Acoustic Dataset for passive acoustic monitoring. WABAD is designed to provide the public, the research community, and conservation managers with a novel and globally representative annotated acoustic dataset. This database includes 5,044 minutes of audio files annotated to species-level by local experts with the start and end time, and the upper and lower frequencies of each identified bird vocalisation in the recordings. The database has a wide taxonomic and spatial coverage, including information on 90,662 vocalisations from 1,147 bird species recorded at 70 recording sites in 27 countries and distributed across 13 biomes. WABAD can be used, for example, for developing and/or validating automatic species detection algorithms, answering ecological questions, such as assessing geographical variations on bird vocalisations, or comparing acoustic diversity indices with species-based diversity indices. The dataset is published under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0 International copyright.


Pérez-Granados, C., Etxebarría, J. M., Darras, K. F. A., Gómez, O. H. M., Mendoza, I., Mohedano-Muñoz, M. Á., Santamaría, E., Bastianelli, G., Márquez-Rodríguez, A., Budka, M., Bota, G., Rubio, J. M. D. L. P., Morena, E. L. G. D. L., Santa-Cruz:, M., Nava, P. D. L., Fernández-Tizón, M., Sánchez-Mateos, H., Barrero, A., Traba, J., Osiejuk, T. S., …Sebastián-González, E. WABAD: A World Annotated Bird Acoustic Dataset for Passive Acoustic Monitoring

Working Paper Type Preprint
Online Publication Date Jan 3, 2025
Deposit Date Jan 21, 2025
Publicly Available Date Jan 21, 2025
Keywords Animal vocalisations, Autonomous recording units, birds, human expert annotation, passive acoustic monitoring, song, soundscape
This output contributes to the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

SDG 15 - Life on Land

Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss


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