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Anti-Gender Tactics in Europe. The RESIST Project Research Findings

RESIST Project Team


RESIST Project Team



This is the second report from the Work Package 1 (WP1) of the RESIST Project. This abbreviated version of the full report presents the mapping anti-gender discourses in media and parliamentary debates across five case studies: the European Parliament, UK, Poland, Switzerland and Hungary.

Data was collected from parliamentary records, media outlets and by tracking key controversies predominantly in the period of 2017-2022.

Abstract (English)
This Report is focused on mapping anti-gender discourses in media and parliamentary debates across five case studies: the European Parliament, UK, Poland, Switzerland and Hungary. Overall, the research found an animated anti-gender political landscape characterised by ideological agitation and political opportunism, pronounced fixations and a fluid focus on often interchangeable targets and issues. There are clear continuities in the targeting of equality, and gender and sexual diversity, however these intersect with, and are transformed by an emerging repertoire of discourses and practices. Findings demonstrate that to understand anti-gender mobilisations, we need to pay attention to the transnational circulation, unconventional political alliances, strategies of controversy-generation, and competition for media attention – all of which promote anti-gender politics.

Series information (English)
Deliverables of the RESIST Project (EU Project ID: 101060749). Output ID: “D1.3: Public-oriented tool exposing anti-gender tactics".


RESIST Project Team. (2024). Anti-Gender Tactics in Europe. The RESIST Project Research Findings

Report Type Research Report
Online Publication Date Apr 10, 2024
Publication Date 2024
Deposit Date Dec 5, 2024
Publicly Available Date Dec 5, 2024
Keywords Democracy, Political communication, Political sciences, Social sciences, FOS: Social sciences, Government systems, Journalism, Media and communications, FOS: Media and communications, Political policies, Other social sciences, FOS: Other social sciences, Social geography, Epistemology, Public health, Human rights law, Inclusive education, Social issues, Sexual health, Age inequality, Social inequalities, Human rights violations, Human rights, Regional human rights, Political violence, Governance, Gender studies, Public policies, Gender equality, Gender inequality, Women's studies, International protection of human rights, Racial inequality, Transgender, Homosexuality, Intersectionality, Social movements, Queer, Inequality, Equality, Discrimination, Social policy, Gender, Racism, Feminism, Social justice, Xenophobia, Transphobia, Homophobia, Anti-gender, LGBT
Other Repo URL
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SDG 5 - Gender Equality

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

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SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and strong institutions

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