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Co-Creation of a Continuing Professional Development Toolkit focused on self-management of respiratory health issues in people with learning disabilities

O'Leary, Lisa; Dicksit, Daniel; Ring, Nicola; Roberts, Nicola; Devitt, Joanne; Dunham, Margaret


Joanne Devitt


Background: Individuals with ID (intellectual Disabilities) are at greater risk of hospital admission or premature mortality due to respiratory associated conditions. They need self-management support from nurses to avoid this risk. Our study aimed to identify what respiratory skills and knowledge are currently taught to pre-registration nurses (all fields) to effectively support individuals with ID and their carers to self-manage respiratory health conditions. Method A Freedom of Information (FOI) request was sent to UK universities to establish if pre-registration nursing curricula covers self-management of respiratory health in individuals with ID. Priority setting workshops using Nominal Group Technique (NGT) were undertaken with N=38 stakeholders based across the UK. These included individuals with ID n=13], carers (n=3), professionals (n=8) and nursing students [n=14] to explore the education priorities for pre-registration nursing students, to support self-management of respiratory conditions in this group. Results: The majority (N=56, 80%) of the 70 universities that responded to the FOI request do not teach content focused on managing respiratory knowledge specific for people with ID The NGT workshops identified that student nurses need to develop an informed and holistic approach to management of respiratory conditions in people with ID. They also need to develop an ability to use devices such as nebulizers and inhalers with people with ID. Conclusions: Enhanced respiratory health education is required for pre-registration nursing students to help carers support people with ID. These findings will be applied in the next phase informing the co-design of a CPD toolkit focused on self-management of respiratory conditions in individuals with ID. Funded by Burdett Trust for Nursing


O'Leary, L., Dicksit, D., Ring, N., Roberts, N., Devitt, J., & Dunham, M. (2024, December). Co-Creation of a Continuing Professional Development Toolkit focused on self-management of respiratory health issues in people with learning disabilities. Paper presented at 21st Seattle Club Conference, London

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (unpublished)
Conference Name 21st Seattle Club Conference
Start Date Dec 12, 2024
End Date Dec 13, 2024
Acceptance Date Oct 24, 2024
Deposit Date Nov 4, 2024
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Public URL