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Mapping so-called ‘anti-gender’ discourses in parliamentary and media spaces across the ‘eastern’ and ‘western’ geopolitical imaginations of ‘Europe’.

Kulpa, Roberto



Anti-feminist and anti-LGBTIQ+ mobilisations have taken roots transnationally, denying individuals autonomy, rights to bodily integrity or self-determination, and attacking selected groups of people (e.g. trans* people, people doing abortion) in order to pursue dehumanising and exclusionary agendas. In the ongoing battle against them, national and international queer-feminist insurgencies have been developing spaces of resistances and fightback. ‘Identity politics’, one way or another, is thus a space of tensions and dis-comforts of politics, where actors, issues, and strategies constantly manoeuvre and reposition themselves to aggregate or ease the arising frictions. Symbolic and real geo-temporalities of political loci have been a significant contributing factor in these processes.

This presentation will empirically draw on the research findings from the RESIST Project ( on the parliamentary and media ‘anti-gender’ debates in the UK, PL, HU, CH, and the European Parliament to engage with the following issues:

•how ‘dis-comfort’ features as an element of the ‘anti-gender’ politics in Polish and transnational contexts;

•porous and un-comfortable thresholds across media and parliaments as places of (trans)national politics;

•syncretic benefits and obstacles emerging from those ‘threshold of dis-comforts’ that re-create imaginary geopolitics of ‘the ‘east’ and ‘west’ in the ‘anti-gender’ (scholarly, political, activist) debates;

•thinking forward about recommendations and next steps needed in our fight against inequalities and for the better, queer-feminist futures.

‘anti-gender’, LGBTIQ+ equalities, parliamentary and media discourses, queer-feminist resistances, threshold politics.


Kulpa, R. (2024, September). Mapping so-called ‘anti-gender’ discourses in parliamentary and media spaces across the ‘eastern’ and ‘western’ geopolitical imaginations of ‘Europe’. Presented at 7th European Geographies of Sexualities Conference (EGSC) 2024, University of Brighton, UK

Presentation Conference Type Presentation / Talk
Conference Name 7th European Geographies of Sexualities Conference (EGSC) 2024
Start Date Sep 2, 2024
End Date Sep 3, 2024
Online Publication Date Sep 2, 2024
Publication Date Sep 2, 2024
Deposit Date Sep 6, 2024
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Keywords ‘anti-gender’, LGBTIQ+ equalities, parliamentary and media discourses, queer-feminist resistances, threshold politics, Poland, Central and Eastern Europe, homophobia, transphobia, anti-feminism, LGBT, gender, feminism, sexuality, populism, nationalism,
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