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Mandating indoor air quality for public buildings

Morawska, Lidia; Allen, Joseph; Bahnfleth, William; Bennett, Belinda; Bluyssen, Philomena M.; Boerstra, Atze; Buonanno, Giorgio; Cao, Junji; Dancer, Stephanie J.; Floto, Andres; Franchimon, Francesco; Greenhalgh, Trish; Haworth, Charles; Hogeling, Jaap; Isaxon, Christina; Jimenez, Jose L.; Kennedy, Amanda; Kumar, Prashant; Kurnitski, Jarek; Li, Yuguo; Loomans, Marcel; Marks, Guy; Marr, Linsey C.; Mazzarella, Livio; Melikov, Arsen Krikor; Miller, Shelly L.; Milton, Donald K.; Monty, Jason; Nielsen, Peter V.; Noakes, Catherine; Peccia, Jordan; Prather, Kimberly A.; Querol, Xavier; Salthammer, Tunga; Sekhar, Chandra; Seppänen, Olli; Tanabe, Shin-ichi; Tang, Julian W.; Tellier, Raymond; Tham, Kwok Wai; Wargocki, Pawel; Wierzbicka, Aneta; Yao, Maosheng


Lidia Morawska

Joseph Allen

William Bahnfleth

Belinda Bennett

Philomena M. Bluyssen

Atze Boerstra

Giorgio Buonanno

Junji Cao

Andres Floto

Francesco Franchimon

Trish Greenhalgh

Charles Haworth

Jaap Hogeling

Christina Isaxon

Jose L. Jimenez

Amanda Kennedy

Prashant Kumar

Jarek Kurnitski

Yuguo Li

Marcel Loomans

Guy Marks

Linsey C. Marr

Livio Mazzarella

Arsen Krikor Melikov

Shelly L. Miller

Donald K. Milton

Jason Monty

Peter V. Nielsen

Catherine Noakes

Jordan Peccia

Kimberly A. Prather

Xavier Querol

Tunga Salthammer

Chandra Sekhar

Olli Seppänen

Shin-ichi Tanabe

Julian W. Tang

Raymond Tellier

Kwok Wai Tham

Pawel Wargocki

Aneta Wierzbicka

Maosheng Yao


People living in urban and industrialized societies, which are expanding globally, spend more than 90% of their time in the indoor environment, breathing indoor air (IA). Despite decades of research and advocacy, most countries do not have legislated indoor air quality (IAQ) performance standards for public spaces that address concentration levels of IA pollutants (1). Few building codes address operation, maintenance, and retrofitting, and most do not focus on airborne disease transmission. But the COVID-19 pandemic has made all levels of society, from community members to decision-makers, realize the importance of IAQ for human health, wellbeing, productivity, and learning. We propose that IAQ standards be mandatory for public spaces. Although enforcement of IAQ performance standards in homes is not possible, homes must be designed and equipped so that they could meet the standards.


Morawska, L., Allen, J., Bahnfleth, W., Bennett, B., Bluyssen, P. M., Boerstra, A., Buonanno, G., Cao, J., Dancer, S. J., Floto, A., Franchimon, F., Greenhalgh, T., Haworth, C., Hogeling, J., Isaxon, C., Jimenez, J. L., Kennedy, A., Kumar, P., Kurnitski, J., Li, Y., …Yao, M. (2024). Mandating indoor air quality for public buildings. Science, 383(6690), 1418-1420.

Journal Article Type Article
Online Publication Date Mar 28, 2024
Publication Date Mar 29, 2024
Deposit Date Aug 8, 2024
Publicly Available Date Aug 8, 2024
Journal Science
Print ISSN 0036-8075
Electronic ISSN 1095-9203
Publisher American Association for the Advancement of Science
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 383
Issue 6690
Pages 1418-1420


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