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Hyper-parameter initialization of classification algorithms using dynamic time warping: A perspective on PCA meta-features

Horváth, Tomáš; Mantovani, Rafael G.; de Carvalho, André C.P.L.F.


Tomáš Horváth

Rafael G. Mantovani

André C.P.L.F. de Carvalho


Meta-learning, a concept from the area of automated machine learning, aims at providing decision support for data scientists by recommending a suitable setting (a machine learning algorithm or its hyper-parameters) to be used for a given dataset. Such a recommendation is based the assumption that an optimal setting for a certain dataset would also be suitable for other, similar datasets. Similarity of datasets is computed from their characteristics, named meta-features, several types of which have been developed thus far. This paper introduces a novel perspective on PCA meta-features which, despite their good descriptive characteristics and easy computation, are rarely used in meta-learning. A novel meta-learning approach utilizing DTW, a well-known similarity measure for time-series, is proposed for computing dataset similarities based on the series of cumulative variances explained by their respective principal components. The results from a large-scale experiment, comparing the proposed approach to multiple baselines on 50 real-world datasets, show the potential of combining PCA and DTW in meta-learning and encourage further investigation in this direction.


Horváth, T., Mantovani, R. G., & de Carvalho, A. C. Hyper-parameter initialization of classification algorithms using dynamic time warping: A perspective on PCA meta-features

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Acceptance Date Dec 20, 2022
Online Publication Date Dec 26, 2022
Publication Date 2023-02
Deposit Date Mar 27, 2024
Journal Applied Soft Computing
Print ISSN 1568-4946
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 134
Article Number 109969
Keywords Meta-learning, Meta-features, Principal component analysis, Dynamic time warping, Hyper-parameter initialization
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