Zeibeda Sattar
Religious obligations to travel: first-generation Pakistani migrants from Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Sattar, Zeibeda; Hannam, Kevin; Ali, Nazia
Kevin Hannam
Nazia Ali
This article analyses the religious travel experiences of members of the first generation of the Muslim Pakistani diaspora living in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK drawing upon qualitative interpretations collected from semi-structured interviews. Religious travel for first-generation Muslim Pakistanis is influenced by Islamic principles and practices associated with obligations to travel to meet with friends and relatives. Religious obligations to travel are considered as a key factor influencing visiting friends and relatives (VFR) mobilities at a local and national level. The religious obligation associated with VFR travel is examined in view of one of the five pillars of Islam, which is salah (prayer), which stimulates various mobilities. Central to the analysis of religious-orientated (VFR) journeys are the conceptual underpinnings of obligations situated in the mobilities paradigm, which give rise to understandings of spiritualities of place. Religious obligations to travel unite the Muslim diaspora in various local (in Newcastle-upon-Tyne) and national (UK) settings. The contribution of this paper is, therefore, to advance the understanding of the relationship between Islam and travel, and add to existing knowledge of the journeys of Muslim travellers in the context of VFR travel. We conclude by suggesting further avenues of research concerning religious obligations to travel.
Sattar, Z., Hannam, K., & Ali, N. (2013). Religious obligations to travel: first-generation Pakistani migrants from Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 11(1-2), 61-72. https://doi.org/10.1080/14766825.2013.795963
Journal Article Type | Article |
Acceptance Date | Apr 3, 2013 |
Online Publication Date | May 14, 2013 |
Publication Date | 2013-06 |
Deposit Date | Aug 2, 2016 |
Journal | Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change |
Print ISSN | 1476-6825 |
Electronic ISSN | 1747-7654 |
Publisher | Routledge |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 11 |
Issue | 1-2 |
Pages | 61-72 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1080/14766825.2013.795963 |
Keywords | Islam, mobilities, Muslim, Pakistani, obligations, visiting friends and relatives travel, |
Public URL | http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/Output/322527 |
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