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A Software Engineering Framework for Context-Aware Service-Based Processes in Pervasive Environments

Jaroucheh, Zakwan; Liu, Xiaodong; Smith, Sally


Zakwan Jaroucheh

Profile image of Sally Smith

Prof Sally Smith
Head of Graduate Apprenticeships and Skills Development and Professor


Context-awareness is considered to be the cornerstone technique for developing pervasive computing applications that are flexible, adaptable, and capable of acting autonomously on behalf of the user. However, context-awareness introduces various software engineering challenges. The separation of concerns is a promising approach in the design of the context-aware adaptive processes (CAAPs) where the core logic is designed and implemented separately from the context handling and adaptation logics. In this respect, this chapter presents a conceptual framework for developing CAAPs and software infrastructure for efficient context management that together address the known software engineering challenges and facilitate the design and implementation tasks associated with such context-aware applications


Jaroucheh, Z., Liu, X., & Smith, S. (2014). A Software Engineering Framework for Context-Aware Service-Based Processes in Pervasive Environments. In Software Design and Development (71-95). IGI Global.

Publication Date 2014
Deposit Date Aug 1, 2016
Publisher IGI Global
Pages 71-95
Book Title Software Design and Development
Chapter Number 5
ISBN 9781466643017; 9781466643024
Keywords Context-awareness, pervasive computing applications, software engineering, context-aware adaptive processes (CAAPs),
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