Prof Helen Jones
MSc CEP Curriculum Framework
Jones, Prof Helen; Green, Prof Daniel; Whyte, Prof Greg; Askew, Ass Prof Chris; Tolfrey, Dr Keith; Scott, Dr Andrew; Campbell, Prof Anna; George, Prof Keith; Buckley, Prof John; Skelton, Prof Dawn; Jack, Prof Sandy; McGregor, Dr Gordon; O’Doherty, Dr Alasdair; Broom, Prof David; Caldow, Dr Eddie; Pitkethly, Amanda; Miller, Dr Gemma; Board, Dr Lisa; Williams, Prof Nefyn; Naylor, Dr Louise; Watson, Dr Paula; Crozier, Anthony
Prof Daniel Green
Prof Greg Whyte
Ass Prof Chris Askew
Dr Keith Tolfrey
Dr Andrew Scott
Prof Anna Campbell
Prof Keith George
Prof John Buckley
Prof Dawn Skelton
Prof Sandy Jack
Dr Gordon McGregor
Dr Alasdair O’Doherty
Prof David Broom
Dr Eddie Caldow
Dr Amanda Pitkethly
Dr Gemma Miller
Dr Lisa Board
Prof Nefyn Williams
Dr Louise Naylor
Dr Paula Watson
Anthony Crozier
The Academy of Healthcare Science (AHCS) approve education programmes to ensure that they allow students to meet Standards of Proficiency and principles of Good Clinical Practice when they satisfactorily complete the programme. Standards of Proficiency are the threshold standards necessary for safe and effective practice. This document presents a curriculum framework for Clinical Exercise Physiology (CEP) Masters (MSc) degree courses which complements and expands upon the AHCS Standards of Proficiency and the Clinical Exercise Physiologist (CEP) Scope of Practice. It is a requirement of MSc CEP degree accreditation that University programmes demonstrate that all Standards of Proficiency are addressed in the course curriculum, through learning and assessment activities. This curriculum framework and the Standards of Proficiency and Scope of Practice documents should be read in conjunction, as collectively they form the basis of the formal requirements for AHCS MSc CEP degree course accreditation. All MSc courses wishing to go through the accreditation process will need to email AHCS directly, with a request to undergo the accreditation process. A pre-visit checklist is then completed and supporting evidence is required for the AHCS to begin the accreditation process.
Jones, P. H., Green, . P. D., Whyte, P. G., Askew, A. P. C., Tolfrey, D. K., Scott, D. A., Campbell, P. A., George, P. K., Buckley, P. J., Skelton, P. D., Jack, P. S., McGregor, D. G., O’Doherty, D. A., Broom, P. D., Caldow, D. E., Pitkethly, A., Miller, D. G., Board, D. L., Williams, P. N., Naylor, D. L., …Crozier, A. (2022). MSc CEP Curriculum Framework. [Curriculum Framework]
Other Type | Teaching Resource |
Online Publication Date | Aug 25, 2022 |
Publication Date | 2022 |
Deposit Date | Oct 18, 2023 |
Public URL | |
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