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Experiences of Design for Disability in Collaborating with Students and Industries

Harris, Norman; Vasantha, Gokula



This chapter looks at the design and engineering of products to assist people with disability. It looks at the process that companies, disability organisations and universities employ to help develop aids and products that solve various needs. Although in most cases, the disability organisation takes the lead, it is the individual who has the dis-ability who must be totally involved. The lead author has experience of working with the Royal National Institute for Blind People (RNIB) when in a company, and other excellent organisations as a university lecturer. Supporting a successful partnership in either case is more difficult than first realised but provides opportunities for all.


Harris, N., & Vasantha, G. Experiences of Design for Disability in Collaborating with Students and Industries. In Future of Design Education: InFuSED23. Springer

Deposit Date Aug 30, 2023
Publisher Springer
Book Title Future of Design Education: InFuSED23
Keywords Design for Disability
Public URL
Contract Date Aug 30, 2023