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An integrative modelling framework for passive acoustic telemetry

Lavender, Edward; Biber, Stanisław; Illian, Janine; James, Mark; Wright, Peter J.; Thorburn, James; Smout, Sophie


Edward Lavender

Stanisław Biber

Janine Illian

Mark James

Peter J. Wright

Sophie Smout


Passive acoustic telemetry is widely used to study the movements of aquatic animals. However, a holistic, mechanistic modelling framework that permits the reconstruction of fine‐scale movements and emergent patterns of space use from detections at receivers remains lacking. Here, we introduce an integrative modelling framework that recapitulates the movement and detection processes that generate detections to reconstruct fine‐scale movements and patterns of space use. This framework is supported by a new family of algorithms designed for detection and depth observations and can be flexibly extended to incorporate other data types. Using simulation, we illustrate applications of our framework and evaluate algorithm utility and sensitivity in different settings. As a case study, we analyse movement data collected from the Critically Endangered flapper skate (Dipturus intermedius) in Scotland. We show that our methods can be used to reconstruct fine‐scale movement paths, patterns of space use and support habitat preference analyses. For reconstructing patterns of space use, simulations show that the methods are consistently more instructive than the most widely used alternative approach (the mean‐position algorithm), particularly in clustered receiver arrays. For flapper skate, the reconstruction of movements reveals responses to disturbance, fine‐scale spatial partitioning and patterns of space use with significant implications for marine management. We conclude that this framework represents a widely applicable methodological advance with applications to studies of pelagic, demersal and benthic species across multiple spatiotemporal scales.


Lavender, E., Biber, S., Illian, J., James, M., Wright, P. J., Thorburn, J., & Smout, S. (2023). An integrative modelling framework for passive acoustic telemetry. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14(10), 2626-2638.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jul 8, 2023
Online Publication Date Aug 10, 2023
Publication Date 2023-10
Deposit Date Aug 11, 2023
Publicly Available Date Aug 11, 2023
Electronic ISSN 2041-210X
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 14
Issue 10
Pages 2626-2638
Keywords biologging, biotelemetry, centre of activity, particle filtering, utilisation distribution
This output contributes to the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:

SDG 14 - Life Below Water

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development


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