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Digital Skills for the Creative Practitioner: Supporting Informal Learning of Technologies for Creativity

Helgason, Ingi; Smyth, Michael; Panneels, Inge; Lechelt, Susan; Frich, Jonas; Rawn, Eric; McCarthy, Bronnie


Susan Lechelt

Jonas Frich

Eric Rawn

Bronnie McCarthy


The creative industries play an important role in economic, cultural and social life, and in many creative disciplines much of the workforce is made up of individual practitioners including freelancers, sole traders and small or micro enterprises. These talented creatives often need to be responsible for their own ongoing learning within challenging and ever-evolving digital and technological domains. Whether their creative practice is primarily analogue or digital, Creativity Support Tools (CSTs) and digital platforms are being adopted for use in many phases of the creative production and dissemination process. By necessity, much of the learning that creatives undertake during the adoption of technologies is self-directed, informal, and often involves peer-to-peer support. This is an important contextual factor that HCI research needs to address when developing tools and support systems for this user group. This one-day workshop will bring together participants from the HCI, creative and educational communities to discuss and share knowledge of technology learning and skills acquisition for working creatives. The workshop aims to examine ideas, strategies and experiences around supporting digital literacy, competency and confidence. The goal is to develop further collaborative research addressing support structures and frameworks in the area of informal learning about digital creativity tools for working practitioners.


Helgason, I., Smyth, M., Panneels, I., Lechelt, S., Frich, J., Rawn, E., & McCarthy, B. (2023, April). Digital Skills for the Creative Practitioner: Supporting Informal Learning of Technologies for Creativity. Presented at CHI '23: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Hamburg, Germany

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name CHI '23: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
End Date Apr 19, 2023
Acceptance Date Jan 5, 2022
Online Publication Date Apr 19, 2023
Publication Date Apr 19, 2023
Deposit Date May 17, 2023
Publisher Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Book Title CHI EA '23: Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
ISBN 9781450394222
Keywords Digital skills, creativity
Publisher URL