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Maintaining rigour, seeing improvement: The effectiveness of poster presentations as a culturally inclusive approach to post-graduate assessment.

McLean, Lesley; Gerard, Laura; Luong, Son


Son Luong
Research Student


This project explores perceived and potential challenges and benefits international students encounter when undertaking a non-traditional/unique assessment practice, specifically a narrated poster presentation. Exploring and analysing students’ perspectives of this type of assessment can allow and facilitate the development of recommendations to improve assessment design in these modules, as well as offer insight and guidance to other module leaders who may want to adopt more innovative and culturally inclusive assessment design. This is important from both an academic and student perspective in the following ways: Growing international PG student numbers and the wider use of learning technology is increasingly being seen to influence the choice of assessment used in large scale modules within Edinburgh Napier Business School (e.g. utilising narrated poster presentations is more feasible for a class size of 50+ versus live ‘traditional’ presentations). Therefore, this project seeks to understand and analyse multi-cultural student perspectives of such assessment design to highlight its benefits and to present recommendations to overcome challenges international students may face in completing such assessments. Poster presentations afford students the opportunity to be creative, as well as academic, whilst maintaining the assessment rigour required at M level. Therefore, this contemporary assessment design can help to develop a wider range of hard and soft skills, such as advanced powerpoint, oral presentation, research methods, academic writing and problem solving.


McLean, L., Gerard, L., & Luong, S. (2023, May). Maintaining rigour, seeing improvement: The effectiveness of poster presentations as a culturally inclusive approach to post-graduate assessment. Paper presented at SEDA Spring Conference 2023: The Role of the Educational Developer in an Ever-evolving Landscape, Online

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (unpublished)
Conference Name SEDA Spring Conference 2023: The Role of the Educational Developer in an Ever-evolving Landscape
Start Date May 19, 2023
Deposit Date Mar 28, 2023
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