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African BIM Report 2020

Saka, Abdullahi; Itanola, Moses; Olawumi, Timothy; Kori, Sa'id; Hamma-adama, Mansur; Akinradewo, Opeoluwa; Fordjour Antwi-Afari, Maxwell; Ayinla, Kudirat; Banahene Blay, Karen; Adamu, Zulfikar; Kaduma, Lot; Blay, Karen; Udeze, Onyema; Kolo, Shaba; Markafi, Usman; Khalid, Bouguerra; Yusuf, Hauwa; Aghimien, Emmanuel Imuetinyan; Olanrewaju, Oludolapo; Aliu, Soyingbe; Oyediran, Hafiz; Dimka, Nenpin; Dalumo, David B.; Agbodjogbe, Chadrac; KIKA Christian, BAHARA; Tié, Nanzie; Mimoun, Meriem


Abdullahi Saka

Moses Itanola

Sa'id Kori

Mansur Hamma-adama

Opeoluwa Akinradewo

Maxwell Fordjour Antwi-Afari

Kudirat Ayinla

Karen Banahene Blay

Zulfikar Adamu

Lot Kaduma

Karen Blay

Onyema Udeze

Shaba Kolo

Usman Markafi

Bouguerra Khalid

Hauwa Yusuf

Emmanuel Imuetinyan Aghimien

Oludolapo Olanrewaju

Soyingbe Aliu

Hafiz Oyediran

Nenpin Dimka

David B. Dalumo

Chadrac Agbodjogbe


Nanzie Tié

Meriem Mimoun


While it may seem like the adoption of Building Information Modelling (BIM) across Africa is slow-paced, the increasing advocacy efforts from various stakeholders is now resulting in a widespread drive for implementation and deployment. Coupled with the ongoing disruption by the global COVID-19 pandemic, there is now a very high degree of the utilization of digital technologies by construction professionals. As a first of its kind across the continent, the African BIM Report was conceived to provide a continuous review of the state of implementation of BIM by the industry. The report will progressively highlight exceptional projects, industry leaders and research experts across Africa. A pan-African survey will integrate the opinion from a wider range of professionals. As a dynamic, future-focused, and thriving community, BIM Africa is well-positioned to champion the digital transformation of the built industry across Africa. Our approach covers broad industry education, extensive research, professional development and certifications, quality networking and the formulation of locally adapted standards. Our Research and Development Committee comprises of a thriving portfolio of internationally certified and brilliant academic researchers of African descent; the coming together of bright minds to impact their motherland.


Saka, A., Itanola, M., Olawumi, T., Kori, S., Hamma-adama, M., Akinradewo, O., Fordjour Antwi-Afari, M., Ayinla, K., Banahene Blay, K., Adamu, Z., Kaduma, L., Blay, K., Udeze, O., Kolo, S., Markafi, U., Khalid, B., Yusuf, H., Aghimien, E. I., Olanrewaju, O., Aliu, S., …Mimoun, M. (2020). African BIM Report 2020. Abuja, Nigeria: BIM AFRICA

Report Type Technical Report
Online Publication Date Sep 1, 2020
Publication Date Sep 1, 2020
Deposit Date Mar 10, 2023
Keywords BIM; Africa; Digital Twins; AI; Architecture
Publisher URL