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An interactive tool for the evaluation of ECG visualisation formats

Martin, Elizabeth S.; Finlay, Dewar D.; Nugent, Chris D.; Bond, Raymond R.; Breen, Cathal


Elizabeth S. Martin

Dewar D. Finlay

Chris D. Nugent

Raymond R. Bond


Electrocardiograms are typically printed on graph paper. Based on these recordings clinicians look for changes in the various waveforms when they make a diagnosis. In some cases, however, these changes are not always obvious on the standard printed 12-lead ECG. For this reason researchers have developed different methods for presenting ECG information. This paper reports on the development of an interactive system that supports the display of ECG information in a number of differing formats. The system is currently configured to display ECGs in either the 12 lead ECG, Body Surface Potential Maps or ST Map format. The system has been designed to provide basic ECG viewing functionality and it is planned that it will be used in the evaluation of ECG interpretation skills in students undergoing training in ECG interpretation. Future work will be directed towards making this system compatible with mobile computing platforms, subsequently allowing access even when the students are not near a desktop computer.


Martin, E. S., Finlay, D. D., Nugent, C. D., Bond, R. R., & Breen, C. (2013, September). An interactive tool for the evaluation of ECG visualisation formats. Presented at Computing in Cardiology 2013, Zaragoza, Spain

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name Computing in Cardiology 2013
Start Date Sep 22, 2013
End Date Sep 25, 2013
Online Publication Date Jan 16, 2014
Publication Date 2013
Deposit Date Feb 23, 2023
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Series ISSN 2325-8853
Book Title Computing in Cardiology 2013
ISBN 978-1-4799-0884-4