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Mental Health Engagement Network (MHEN)

Forchuk, Cheryl; Edwards, Betty; Rudnick, Abraham; Osuch, Elizabeth; Hoch, Jeffrey; Norman, Ross; Godin, Mike; Vingillis, Evelyn; Donelle, Lorie; Mitchell, Beth; Rasmussen, Diane; Reiss, Jeffrey; Campbell, Robbie; Petrenko, Mike; Osoka, Walter; Corring, Deb; McKillop, Meaghan


Cheryl Forchuk

Betty Edwards

Abraham Rudnick

Elizabeth Osuch

Jeffrey Hoch

Ross Norman

Mike Godin

Evelyn Vingillis

Lorie Donelle

Beth Mitchell

Diane Rasmussen

Jeffrey Reiss

Robbie Campbell

Mike Petrenko

Walter Osoka

Deb Corring

Meaghan McKillop


This research study introduces, delivers, and evaluates the benefits of using web and mobile technology to provide consistent supportive health care to individuals living within London, Ontario and the surrounding area who have been diagnosed with a mental illness. This longitudinal, mixed method study consists of 400 (245 men and 155 women) individuals who have been diagnosed with either a mood or a psychotic disorder who are currently working with mental health care professionals (54 mental health care providers across 4 agencies). The participants will have access to the Lawson SMART record, a web-based a pplication that provides individuals with a personal health record, and tools to help them manage their health. Participants will access the Lawson S MART record using an iPhone 4S. Based on preliminary findings, client participants are generally comfortable with the use of technology. Most indicated that they we re either extremely comfortable (26.3%) or slightly comfortable (20.3%) with technology generally, while only a minority said that they were either slightly uncomfortable (4.0%) or extremely uncomfortable (5.8%). It is hypothesized that the use of smart technologies in the treatment of mood and psychotic disorders will improve quality of life while reducing health care costs through a decrease in hospitalizations and hospital room visits. The Mental Health Engagement Network: Connecting Clients with their Health Team project was presented at IARIA-Smart 2012 Conference by Dr. Cheryl Forchuk in May 2012 [1]. As a result of the presentation, this paper was developed.


Forchuk, C., Edwards, B., Rudnick, A., Osuch, E., Hoch, J., Norman, R., Godin, M., Vingillis, E., Donelle, L., Mitchell, B., Rasmussen, D., Reiss, J., Campbell, R., Petrenko, M., Osoka, W., Corring, D., & McKillop, M. (2013). Mental Health Engagement Network (MHEN). International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences, 5(1&2), 1-10

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date 2013
Deposit Date Feb 3, 2023
Journal International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 5
Issue 1&2
Pages 1-10
Keywords SMART technology; mental health care; personal health records; quality of life; health care costs; mood monitor; mobile technology; web-based technology
Publisher URL

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