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Life-cycle sustainability risk management a multi-stakeholder approach: the case of Damascus post-war residential projects

Khaddour, Lina Adib



Postwar Residential Reconstruction Projects (PRRP) are widely complex and have significant risks. It is necessary to address sustainability risks in PRRP in order to respond to the war disastrous consequences. Thus, reducing sustainability risks associated with PRRP Life Cycle (LC) phases is of absolute importance for each stakeholder to achieve sustainability within PRRP process and performance. How to effectively get different participants to manage risks in the context of PRRP LC is decisive to the project sustainability objectives. This study aims to identify how sustainability risk factors change during PRRP LC phases and how LC Sustainability Risk Management (LCSRM) is perceived by PRRP primary stakeholders. Data were collected through survey and interviews with different stakeholder groups in Damascus PRRP. The findings revealed the top five risks of: 'Poor constructability' (with a score of 0.44 at the construction phase), 'Delays due to poor contract management' (with a score of 0.44 at the pre-construction phase), 'Lack of availability of green materials and equipment' (with a score of 0.43 at the construction phase), 'Pollution' (with a score of 0.4 at the construction phase) and 'Being fined for failing to meet the project objectives' (with a score of 0.36 at the construction phase). The majority of risk responses were found to be more effective in the planning, design, pre-construction and construction stages. LCSRM is presented in a participatory manner involving key stakeholders. Practical recommendations for developer, consultants, designers, contractors , project managers and regulators were presented. The study's LCSRM approach offers stakeholders a novel approach to customize their own list of sustainability risks. The main benefit of LCSRM is in shifting construction management control from input oriented to a more output oriented one in order to respond to unforeseen risks encompassing PRRP performance , which often deviated PRRP sustainability objectives from reality.


Khaddour, L. A. (2022). Life-cycle sustainability risk management a multi-stakeholder approach: the case of Damascus post-war residential projects. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 24(11), 12756-12786.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Nov 8, 2021
Online Publication Date Nov 26, 2021
Publication Date 2022-11
Deposit Date Dec 20, 2022
Journal Environment, Development and Sustainability
Print ISSN 1387-585X
Electronic ISSN 1573-2975
Publisher Springer
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 24
Issue 11
Pages 12756-12786
Keywords Sustainability risk management, Life cycle, Reconstruction, Stakeholders, Syria, Build back better
Public URL