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Cyber Threats in the Healthcare Sector and Countermeasures

Ahmed, Muhammad Mashhood; Maglaras, Leandros; Ferrag, Mohamed Amine


Muhammad Mashhood Ahmed

Leandros Maglaras

Mohamed Amine Ferrag


Andreas Masouras

Georgios Maris

Androniki Kavoura


Healthcare is one of the most targeted industries by cybercriminals. The healthcare sector is far behind in cybersecurity as compared to other organizations. The vulnerabilities in the system open the door for cybercriminals to exploit it and get unauthorized access into the system or network to do a malicious activity. Healthcare should have to take cyber threats seriously and follow a security framework that detects and mitigates cyber threats. This chapter presents all cyber threat actors that exist in the healthcare sector, common cyber-attacks that can be launched against all actors, and real incidents that took place during the past years. Based on these, the authors propose in a tabular form a set of recommendations that can be used as countermeasures against any type of attack.


Ahmed, M. M., Maglaras, L., & Ferrag, M. A. (2020). Cyber Threats in the Healthcare Sector and Countermeasures. In A. Masouras, G. Maris, & A. Kavoura (Eds.), Entrepreneurial Development and Innovation in Family Businesses and SMEs (109-124). IGI Global.

Publication Date 2020
Deposit Date Dec 13, 2022
Publisher IGI Global
Pages 109-124
Book Title Entrepreneurial Development and Innovation in Family Businesses and SMEs
ISBN 9781799836483
Public URL