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Towards a cooperative software agent.

Smyth, M.



John H Connolly

Ernest A Edmonds


This chapter introduces the concept of software agents and focuses on their impact at the level of the user interface, particularly the relationship between the level of task action undertaken by agents and their corresponding representation to the user. It is proposed that this relationship is central to the widespread acceptance of software agents because it will shape the dynamics of current and future interactions. Existing interaction strategies adopted by human problem solving groups are reviewed, and cooperation is proposed as a behavioural metaphor on which to base software agents. The chapter concludes with a description of a prototype cooperative partner agent, developed as part of the Human Computer Cooperation Project (Alvey MMI/062), undertaken at the LUTCHI Research Centre.


Smyth, M. (1994). Towards a cooperative software agent. In J. H. Connolly, & E. A. Edmonds (Eds.), The Kluwer International Series on Computer Supported Cooperative Work; Spaces, Spatiality and Technology (1-11). Springer-Verlag.

Publication Date 1994
Deposit Date Oct 4, 2010
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Pages 1-11
Series Title Computer Supported Cooperative Work
Series ISSN 1431-1496
Book Title The Kluwer International Series on Computer Supported Cooperative Work; Spaces, Spatiality and Technology
ISBN 978-0387198163
Public URL