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We're all in this together: Midwifery student peer mentoring

McKellar, Lois; Kempster, Cathy


Cathy Kempster


Many higher education institutions have adopted mentoring programs for students as a means of providing support, improve learning and enhance the student experience. The aim of this project was to improve midwifery students experience by offering a peer mentoring program to commencing students to assist with the transition to university life and the rigours of the midwifery program. This paper reports the evaluation of this specific mentoring program and the ongoing development and implementation of a sustainable program within an Australian University. A survey design was adopted to gather feedback from both mentees to evaluate if the peer mentoring program enhanced the first year midwifery student experience and ascertain how the program could be further developed. Fifty-five students engaged with the peer mentors and completed the questionnaire regarding the mentoring program. Specifically valuable was the positive impact that mentoring had on midwifery student confidence, managing the demands of the program and being motivated to keep going when the program requirements were challenging. The success of this program rested largely with mentoring students sharing their own experiences and providing reassurance that other students could also succeed


McKellar, L., & Kempster, C. (2017). We're all in this together: Midwifery student peer mentoring. Nurse Education in Practice, 24, 112-117.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Aug 29, 2015
Online Publication Date Sep 5, 2015
Publication Date 2017-05
Deposit Date Sep 14, 2022
Journal Nurse Education in Practice
Print ISSN 1471-5953
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 24
Pages 112-117
Keywords Midwifery, Education, Mentoring, Student
Public URL