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Representing temporal relationships between events and their effects.

Ma, Jixin; Knight, Brian; Peng, Taoxin


Jixin Ma

Brian Knight


Temporal relationships between events and their effects
are complex. As the ejjects of a given event, a
proposition may change its truth value immediately after
the occurrence of the event and remain true until some
other events occur, while another proposition m y only
become trueJalse from some time after the causal event
has occurred. Expressing delayed @ects of events has been
a problematic question in most existing theories of action
and change. This paper presents a new formalism for
representing general temporal causal relationships
between events and their effects. It allows expressions of
both immediate and delayed effects of events, and
.supports common-sense assertions such as "effects
cannot precede their causes".


Ma, J., Knight, B., & Peng, T. (1997, May). Representing temporal relationships between events and their effects. Presented at 4th Workshop on Temporal Representation and Reasoning

Conference Name 4th Workshop on Temporal Representation and Reasoning
Start Date May 10, 1997
End Date May 11, 1997
Publication Date 1997
Deposit Date Jul 15, 2010
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Pages 148-152
Book Title Proc. of the 4th Workshop on Temporal Representation and Reasoning
ISBN 0-8186-7937-9
Keywords temporal relationships; truth value; action and change; cause and effects;
Public URL