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SANCUS–Towards Unifying the Analysis and Control of Security, Privacy and Service Reliability

Zarakovitis, Charilaos; Pitropakis, Nick; Klonidis, Dimitrios; Khalife, Hicham


Charilaos Zarakovitis

Dimitrios Klonidis

Hicham Khalife


The arrival of new technologies change the global digital landscape in many ways. In the past years, for example, network virtualization and cloud computing have given raise to organizations for meeting their everyday needs in an elastic manner without continuously investing on physical infrastructure. Things combined with fifth-generation (5G) technology standards speeded up the communication speeds providing, thereby, new perspectives to verticals and especially, Industry 4.0. However, the increasing popularity of such technologies have also attracted the attention of malicious parties, and thereby, conventional cybersecurity solutions start becoming obsolete. The analysis software scheme of uniform statistical sampling, audit and defence processes (SANCUS) draws on formalising the logic of expressing – for the first time – the notions of cyber security and digital privacy by means of final formulas and fuse these formulas into optimisation strategies to acquire the truly optimal defense recommendation in dynamic manner. In this respect, we aim at investigating inclusive solutions in the form of unified security-vs-privacy-vs-reliability trade-offs, for manipulating the system network cybersecurity, privacy and quality of service performance jointly, explicitly and automatically.

Presentation Conference Type Poster
Conference Name EuCNC & 6G Summit
Start Date Jun 10, 2021
Deposit Date Mar 13, 2022
Keywords 5G, game theory, IoT, privacy, security, service
Public URL