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An immune system approach to scheduling in changing environments.

Hart, Emma; Ross, Peter


Peter Ross


Wolfgang Banzhaf

Jason M Daida

A E Eiben

Max H Garzon

Vasant Honavar

Mark Jakiela

Robert E Smith


This paper describes the application of an artificial immune system, (AIS), model to a scheduling application, in which sudden changes in the scheduling environment require the rapid production of new schedules. The model operates in two phases: In the first phase of the system, the immune system analogy, in conjunction with a genetic algorithm, (GA), is used to detect common patterns amongst scheduling sequences frequently used by a factory. In phase II, some of the combinatoric features of the natural immune system are modelled in order to use the detected patterns to produce new schedules, either from scratch or starting from a partially completed schedule. The results are compared to those calculated using an exhaustive search procedure to generate patterns. The AIS/GA analogy appears to be extremely promising, in that schedules corresponding to situations previously encountered can easily be reconstructed, and also in that the patterns are shown to incorporate sufficient information to potentially construct schedules for previously unencountered situations.


Hart, E., & Ross, P. (1999, July). An immune system approach to scheduling in changing environments. Presented at Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference ; GECCO-99

Conference Name Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference ; GECCO-99
Start Date Jul 13, 1999
End Date Jul 17, 1999
Publication Date 1999
Deposit Date Sep 6, 2010
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Pages 1559-1566
Book Title GECCO-99 : proceedings of the genetic and evolutionary computation conference. Volume 2
ISBN 1558606114
Keywords artificial immune system; scheduling; genetic algorithm;
Public URL
Additional Information A joint meeting of the Eighth International Conference on Genetic Algorithms (ICGA-99) and the Fourth Annual Genetic Programming Conference (GP-99).