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Reframing knowledge brokering as a lever for dynamic capabilities: Early insights into a business process outsourcing company in Mauritius

Dusoye, Indravidoushi Chandraprema


Indravidoushi Chandraprema Dusoye


The purpose of this study is to expand the current conceptualisation of knowledge brokering and consider how it can be used as a lever for dynamic capabilities within the specific context of a business process outsourcing company based in Mauritius. In spite of the increasing phenomenon, there is a lack of understanding around knowledge brokering and no established strategic approach to deploy knowledge brokering process across the functional areas of organisations. Though practiced haphazardly in organisations, managers and employees are unaware that they are engaged in knowledge brokering activities. The rationale of this study therefore lies in the exploration of the subject to better understand its key concepts so as to bring more lucidity and structure to knowledge brokering in organisations. This study begins with a critical review of the existing literature by unpacking the concepts of knowledge brokering and establishes its links to dynamic capabilities leading to the development of a conceptual framework which represent the main theoretical contribution of the study. The framework is used as an analytical lens to investigate knowledge brokering as a lever for dynamic capabilities in a business process outsourcing company in Mauritius. To this effect, a methodology rooted in social constructionism was developed and adopts a case-based approach to the empirical work. The methodology used for this study was represented in the form of triangulation over a range of qualitative methods and analytical techniques so as to have a more in-depth exploration and clearer understanding of the phenomenon surrounding knowledge brokering and dynamic capabilities leading to more robust set of results. A first round of unstructured interviews was carried out with eighteen knowledge brokers alongside the analysis of documentary evidence. The second phase consisted of semi-structured interviews with eight knowledge brokers to deepened understanding of some of the themes identified in Phase 1. The last phase of the multi method qualitative process took shape of a confirmatory focus group to validate the framework. The key findings suggested that sensing, the ability to identify opportunities and seizing these openings do not play a significant part of Ceridian HCM Inc. Mauritius, but rather that of North America. As much as technology supports the business in responding promptly to customers’ demands, it also acts as a disruptor constantly putting the employees and senior managers under stress. Ceridian’s Learning Academy has been able to keep at par with competition in developing the talent needed in general computing skills, however not very successful in the wake of artificial intelligence skills which is an imperative requirement for this industry. On the basis of the findings and conclusion, an operational framework has been developed so as to address the key issues arising from this research, thereby accounting for propositions to institutionalise knowledge brokering at Ceridian HCM Inc Mauritius. This thesis has contributed to theory by merging two standalone subjects into a conceptual framework which has been validated for operationalisation within Ceridian and similar business settings. This research also represents a premiere within the high middle-income countries in the southern hemisphere with focus in the outsourcing sector which has not been researched till date.


Dusoye, I. C. Reframing knowledge brokering as a lever for dynamic capabilities: Early insights into a business process outsourcing company in Mauritius. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University.

Thesis Type Thesis
Deposit Date Oct 5, 2021
Publicly Available Date Jun 24, 2024
Keywords knowledge brokering; Mauritius; business process outsourcing company
Public URL
Award Date Jul 31, 2021


Reframing knowledge brokering as a lever for dynamic capabilities: Early insights into a business process outsourcing company in Mauritius (2.3 Mb)

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