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DISCOVERing the impact of reality (poster session)

Dawson, Liisa; Turner, Susan; Turner, Phil; Dawson, Lisa; Munro, Alan


Liisa Dawson

Susan Turner

Phil Turner

Lisa Dawson

Alan Munro


In this poster paper, we introduce the DISCOVER project, which
is developing a CVE for teams to practice managing emergencies
in offshore and maritime domains. Many factors constrain design
in such contexts. Here we describe just one of them, the need for a
particularly convincing sense of reality, and hence the lack of
scope for "magical" devices to support navigation and awareness.
We outline the research and design challenges which this entails


Dawson, L., Turner, S., Turner, P., Dawson, L., & Munro, A. (2000, September). DISCOVERing the impact of reality (poster session). Presented at Proceedings of the third international conference on Collaborative virtual environments - CVE '00

Conference Name Proceedings of the third international conference on Collaborative virtual environments - CVE '00
Start Date Sep 10, 2000
End Date Sep 12, 2000
Publication Date 2000
Deposit Date Sep 9, 2010
Publisher Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume Septem
Pages 209-210
Book Title Proceedings of CVE 2000
ISBN 1581133030
Keywords CVEs; collaboration; presence; simulators;
Public URL

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