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Getting the story straight

McCall, Rod; Turner, Phil; Turner, Susan; McCall, Roderick


Rod McCall

Phil Turner

Susan Turner

Roderick McCall


Ann Blandford

Jean Vanderdonckt

Philip Gray


We argue that the use of a user-centred design approach necessarily involves some form of story telling or narrative. Given that both the potential end-users and the designers themselves often (perhaps usually) have different interests and points-of-view to present, the resultant co-constructed narrative describing the desired interactive system is inevitably the product ofcompromise. We describe how such an unwanted compromise can arise and how the process by which it arose can be unpicked using Bakhtin’s approach to the analysis of narrative


McCall, R., Turner, P., Turner, S., & McCall, R. (2001, September). Getting the story straight. Presented at HCI 2001 and IHM 2001, Lille, France

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name HCI 2001 and IHM 2001
Start Date Sep 10, 2001
End Date Sep 14, 2001
Publication Date Sep 10, 2001
Deposit Date Jul 6, 2010
Publisher Springer
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Pages 267-278
Book Title People and Computers XV-Interaction without frontiers: joint proceedings of HCI 2001 and IHM 2001
ISBN 1852335157
Keywords narrative; user-centred design; collaborative virtual environments; requirements;
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