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Probing the sense of place.

O'Neill, Shaleph; McCall, Roderick; Smyth, Michael; Benyon, David


Shaleph O'Neill

Roderick McCall

David Benyon


This paper describes the application and results of
two studies using a qualitative tool designed to examine
sense of place in relation to presence research in the
BENOGO project. The ‘place probe’ incorporates a
range of techniques aimed at articulating a person’s
sense of place, these include: verbal descriptions; sketch
maps; salient features; semantic differentials and six
words that best describe the experience of being in a
place. The paper will describe the application of the
probe in both a physical place and a virtual
representation of that place. The Analysis of the results
reveals a similarity of reported experience in both
places, but that the extremes experienced in the physical
place were more flattened in the virtual representation


O'Neill, S., McCall, R., Smyth, M., & Benyon, D. (2004, October). Probing the sense of place. Presented at 7th Annual International Workshop on Presence, Valencia, Spain

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name 7th Annual International Workshop on Presence
Start Date Oct 13, 2004
End Date Oct 15, 2004
Publication Date 2004-10
Deposit Date May 7, 2010
Publicly Available Date May 7, 2010
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Book Title Presence 2004
ISBN 84-9705-649-3
Keywords Presence; Place; Probes; Subjective measures; Empirical studies of place;
Public URL
Additional Information The authors would like to thank all members of the BENOGO project for their input and co-operation with the studies mentioned in this paper.
Contract Date May 7, 2010


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