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Targeting an MMP-9-activated prodrug to multiple myeloma-diseased bone marrow: a proof of principle in the 5T33MM mouse model

Van Valckenborgh, E; Mincher, David; Di Salvo, A; Van Riet, I; Young, Lesley; Van Camp, B; Vanderkerken, K


E Van Valckenborgh

David Mincher

A Di Salvo

I Van Riet

B Van Camp

K Vanderkerken


Multiple myeloma (MM) is an incurable B-cell cancer characterised by the monoclonal proliferation of tumour cells in the bone marrow (BM). It has been described that matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and especially MMP-9 is secreted by MM cells. In this study, we investigated the possibility to exploit MMP-9 activity to activate prodrugs and to target MM cells as a new tumour-specific therapy. Cleavage of the prodrug EV1-FITC by MMP-9 resulted in release of fluorescence which can be used as a measure of prodrug activation. The 5T33MM mouse model was used in this proof-of-principle study. The prodrug was activated in a higher amount by addition to MMP-9-producing 5T33MMvv cells, homogenates from tumour-bearing organs (BM, spleen) and isolated 5T33MM-diseased BM and spleen cells compared to non-MMP-9-producing 5T33MMvt cells and homogenates/cells from nontumour-bearing organs/mice, as measured by fluorescence release. This fluorescence release could be inhibited by the MMP-2/MMP-9-specific inhibitor, CTT. Activation of the prodrug in the 5T33MM spleen and BM homogenates was confirmed by chromatography. EV1-fluorescein isothiocyanate injection into 5T33MM-diseased animals resulted in a higher fluorescence release by the isolated BM and spleen cells compared to injection into healthy animals. In conclusion, MMP-9 activity can be used to activate prodrugs that target MM.


Van Valckenborgh, E., Mincher, D., Di Salvo, A., Van Riet, I., Young, L., Van Camp, B., & Vanderkerken, K. (2005). Targeting an MMP-9-activated prodrug to multiple myeloma-diseased bone marrow: a proof of principle in the 5T33MM mouse model. Leukemia, 19(9), 1628-1633.

Journal Article Type Article
Online Publication Date Jul 14, 2005
Publication Date 2005-09
Deposit Date Jul 4, 2008
Journal Leukemia
Print ISSN 0887-6924
Electronic ISSN 1476-5551
Publisher Nature Publishing Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 19
Issue 9
Pages 1628-1633
Keywords Matrix metalloproteinases; Multiple myeloma; 5T33, prodrug, MMP-9
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