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Athos: An Extensible DSL for Model Driven Traffic and Transport Simulation

Hoffmann, Benjamin; Urquhart, Neil; Chalmers, Kevin; Guckert, Michael


Benjamin Hoffmann

Kevin Chalmers

Michael Guckert


Multi-agent systems may be considered appropriate tools for simulating complex systems such as those based around traffic and transportation networks. Modelling traffic participants as agents can reveal relevant patterns of traffic flow. Upsurging traffic in urban areas increases the relevance of such simulations and the insight they provide into reducing congestion and pollution. Developing multi-agent traffic simulations is a challenging task even for professional software developers. In contrast, domain experts need tools that can be quickly adapted to new questions emerging in their research without potentially error-prone communication with software developers. There is a need for simulation tools that are intuitive to domain experts yet flexible and adaptable by software developers as required. A model driven approach with an extensible domain specific language delivers an answer for both of these opposing requirements. The modeller is relieved from implementing time consuming programming details and can focus on the application itself. We present the domain specific language Athos that allows to create simulations of traffic and transport related problems declaratively. The models are platform independent and executable code can be generated for appropriate multi-agent platforms. The language is flexible and can be easily extended by exploiting the structure of the problem domain itself. In this paper, we present Athos and focus on how it can be extended by arbitrary traffic and routing algorithms through an annotation-based extension mechanism.


Hoffmann, B., Urquhart, N., Chalmers, K., & Guckert, M. (2020, February). Athos: An Extensible DSL for Model Driven Traffic and Transport Simulation. Presented at Modelling 2020, Vienna

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name Modelling 2020
Start Date Feb 19, 2020
End Date Feb 21, 2020
Acceptance Date Nov 28, 2019
Publication Date 2020
Deposit Date Jan 16, 2020
Publicly Available Date Jun 12, 2020
Pages 141-156
Series Title Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI)
Series ISSN 1617-5468
ISBN 978-3-88579-696-1
Public URL


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