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A Sense of place: the unique conjunction of past and present which resulted in Edinburgh cresting and winning the first Unesco City of Literature designation.

Fannin, Lorraine


Lorraine Fannin


A illustrious literary history is prized by Scotland’s Capital city, but just as important is the contemporary literary scene in which eminent, popular and scholarly authors reach out to a world audience and stand beside emerging writers, whose creativity is developing and nurtured. Add to the mix a strong focus on publishing, on the contribution made by designers, artists and photographers to the creation of books. Mix in a lively scene in which the written and spoken word is exalted in the world’s biggest book festival, playwriting flourishes, and reading is celebrated. Universities support this environment, not just in the teaching of literature, but also of creative writing and screen skills; and support research which looks to the future. This work continues to examine the role of new digital media and the development of a robust copyright framework. Cultural Policy, in this section of the Creative Industries, grows strongly from the grassroots


Fannin, L. (2009, October). A Sense of place: the unique conjunction of past and present which resulted in Edinburgh cresting and winning the first Unesco City of Literature designation. Presented at 7th International Conference on the Book

Presentation Conference Type Other
Conference Name 7th International Conference on the Book
Start Date Oct 16, 2009
End Date Oct 18, 2009
Publication Date 2009-10
Deposit Date Mar 30, 2010
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Keywords publishing; writers; literature; Scotland; digital media; creative writing;
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